Ridin' The Range
I moved my buck out to my inlaws when my doe gave birth 6-13-14. He has been staying in a fenced in grass area with chickens. He is fed an all stock, and given horse treats. Has an automatic waterer. They throw some scraps/leftovers in for the chickens. I just got a call from my mother inlaw saying that he isnt acting right (not eating or taking treats) and when she was leading him to another area she noticed "something in his pee" and then said it looks like he may have diarrhea. She sent photos and I have attached those. It kind of looks like a worm, from his pee? And i notice some blood on his behind. Anyone have any idea what is wrong and what I need to do? I already figured I would go out there tomorrow and worm him and add some antibiotic to his water.