Southern's (Southern By Choice) Journal- FLOODED!

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
Right now we are having to clean out the debris that keeps washing down and getting jammed up at the fence... there is a natural stream there- usually- but the fence has now turned to a dam... we are afraid the fence is going to go....
The first video (which is now at the bottom) is the one that shows what is going on and if you turn up the volume you can really hear how bad it is.

Goats and dogs all dry! :weee
Chickens actually staying in their building- that's a first.
Geese well they don't care.
We are safe but saturated. The back land is all good.

@OneFineAcre - My Muck brand boots take a beating but I am not too impressed- 1 year old and I need a new pair already. :\ I love the boots just wish I could get a little more life.


Herd Master
May 22, 2014
Reaction score
we are the ones who sent all that rain to youall, you're welcome... i was looking around to see what i could build a boat out of but would have had to draw straws to see who went in the darn thing. we got almost 9" in 36 hours. ds#1 had about 100 yards of her new 4" goat wire fence washed away but all i got was wet. there is something to be said for living on a hill. and on the boot thing, i have a pair from L.L.Bean several years ago that are still going strong. i love 'em. the great thing about the bean boots is if they mess up the company will repair or replace them. you and yours have a blessed New Year.

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
@goatgurl I loved my old LL Bean boots! Hmmm I should look through the next catalog I get. Good time of year too so much goes on sale in January. I need all new ski bibs- we use ski bibs for the kids in winter instead of farm bibs- less expensive does the job and when it does snow they have them. :)

Had a Nice New Year day- got to see my son - and meet his teammates- he plays hockey, and was in a championship thingy... didn't get ther til 5pm but saw many games! He was texting all day when are you gonna get here... :lol: had a blast got home soooo late. He was insistent on my coming... been asking for weeks- you coming/ you coming? like a little kid. Oldest daughter showed up too after she got off work so that was real nice!
All such nice young men. Between games we got to spend some time with him... only 5 of us got to go...
LOVE HOCKEY! It is kinda col too cuz it was his momma:D got him into hockey who knew it would turn into so much!

Kidding- getting ready for kidding! Need to shave udders! Get stalls ready- fresh bedding and move a group of chickens (5) to another place, they occupy a kidding stall right now. Then it dawned on me... I will be disbudding... 2 goats are polled so maybe I won't have too many to do. Talked about the clove thing- someone her had posted about it then I was talking with Babs about it ... Babs sent me the article ... sent it to my vet... will talk with him tomorrow... he e-mailed me and I think he likes the data... we will see.
The only issue I see is it is one study on only 16 goats... not enough long term data for me.

Pregnant Does- Mariah (Std Lamancha) is one due soon... she has been such a jerk. She bites the other does. We seperated her a while ago because we think she was the one responsible for Star's accident that caused her to need to be euthanized. She will not eat minerals, she is just being a real PITB! She also will not eat her feed- She throws it everywhere and will only pick out alfalfa pellets. Hay round the clock and geesh is she a picky lil snot.
The other does are great, Trouble (Mini Mancha) is all lovey dovey.
10 days could be the earliest we kid... 4 does due on 20,21,22 for day 150. So that means 15-17th for the earliest dates.

Flooding- Waters all receded now but muddy.

-Working on a bunch of projects in the house so the house is really all out of order, furniture moved and in other rooms.... painting, scraping, ceilings, molding, storing and packing up stuff... preparing for the time when we find the right property... I just want to be ready whether that is in 3 months 6 months or a year...

I am also having a house guest :) in the midst of kidding and renovation... LOL... so now have to get the apartment somewhat acceptable. No easy task as it is our storage area... :hide

Excited to see my friend again! :weee She may be sharing it with baby goats if we get the weather they are calling for. :plbb
Hoping to take a day trip with her if the does have all kidded by the time she comes. Next group isn't due til March!

AI- Been looking into Ai for Ruby our Nubian next year. I have a friend that is learning AI and has a tank... storage fee would be reasonable and it would be kinda cool to support the learning curve with someone I know... I think it will be a great business for them. So far not liking what Bio-genetics has available... but haven't looked at all the specimens yet. I really should have gotten the Hoanbu buckling this year but he was pricey and I didn't have the space and I only have ONE Nubian... maybe once Ruby gives a few does then I will get a buck. That's why the AI is appealing right now.

Just for fun- A DG meeting is coming up and we are hoping to go and it would be nice because a friend is hosting it :)... not too far for us 1hr 15- 1 hr 30 ... Kinda pressed for time with having mostly weekends only to work and very little time in the week... may have to wait til Feb.:(
I guess I need to put up a kidding thread.

Dogs are really stirred up out there tonight.
Cold here too. 70 last week and snow flurries today. :eek:

Oh BTW- anyone retiring their LGD to the house- a twin mattress is the best dog bed for them. Just sayin';) Give them their own or they will take yours. :p Oh and they love down filled pillows too, with Egyptian Cotton sueded 600 thread count pillowcase.:lol:


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Oh BTW- anyone retiring their LGD to the house- a twin mattress is the best dog bed for them. Just sayin';) Give them their own or they will take yours. :p Oh and they love down filled pillows too, with Egyptian Cotton sueded 600 thread count pillowcase.:lol:

Oh my! :th And you said mine was spoiled because I gave him a large piece of carpet to lay down on outside the back doors. :love Can't even imagine what he's gonna require when he retires... Hell he isn't even gainfully employed yet! :hu better start a retirement account for him now huh? :gig

I've owned and used the LL Bean boots for many, many years. I used them mostly for hunting in snow, and the one issue I had with them is they don't give good traction on ice. They sure kept my feet warm and dry though and that was their main purpose.


Chillin' with the herd
Jan 20, 2016
Reaction score
Then it dawned on me... I will be disbudding... 2 goats are polled so maybe I won't have too many to do. Talked about the clove thing- someone her had posted about it then I was talking with Babs about it ... Babs sent me the article ... sent it to my vet... will talk with him tomorrow... he e-mailed me and I think he likes the data... we will see.
The only issue I see is it is one study on only 16 goats... not enough long term data for me.

Did you discuss this with your vet yet? Just wondering if you're going to try it.

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