Southern's (Southern By Choice) Journal- FLOODED!


Herd Master
Jun 21, 2015
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Sorry Southern, I sadly know the feeling to loose a favorite animal that was special :hugs:hugs I lost my best girl on Halloween. It will be weird to move on without her but you will manage to

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
It has been a great holiday weekend!
Family & friends for Thanksgiving... slaughtered our goose that hatched this year and one of our Toms. Ate way too much spinach dip and coconut macaroons. :D
I am a total sucker for my adult sons! So wonderful to have everyone home. Auntie M came too and that was too funny! She is one of the few people Badger likes... and she LOVES the dogs so of course she had to spoil him AND encourage terrible manners.:eek: I scolded him as there are some things that are a no no... of course then she just encouraged it all the more.:\ I love Auntie M so of course I couldn't get mad. :D Here is an example of what she was doing...

Callie had some house time too!

Today I had half the house empty ...but the other half was here so I recruited 3 of those to run animals up for me. :D We had to run every dog up to get weighed, nails trimmed, ears cleaned, teeth checked, and give HW prevention.
Total dogs: 13 :ep
It went very smoothly... I LOVE having runners.:D =D
We have a few getting rabies vac next week and the others aren't due.

Of course my baby "D" and my boy "Chunk" were the best for everything.:D Amy for whatever reason has turned into a jerk about her nails. :somad
Callie- oh Callie... she is a hoot. We didn't get a weight on her so we told her to get back on the scale... Callie decided once was enough so when Callie doesn't want to do something she goes LIMO like a noodle and lays down.:lol: You cannot move her. Yes I laugh because DH can't get her to do anything. :lol: She knows who means business.
Watching DH handle the pups was hilarious. He doesn't handle them so they are pulling him everywhere not listening and wild... I am shaking my head trying not to LOL ( and I mean laugh OUT LOUD) He even tried a firm voice. :gig I could see he was struggling but I just couldn't stand it anymore ( OK so I know this is wrong to find this so amusing and laughing and I still want to laugh when I think of it- I am terrible and the fact my littlest DD can handle them :lol: ok I'll stop now) I finally yell out "Tell him COME- Firmly"- before DH could say a word the dog heard me and straightened right up and walked back to his field.:lol::lol::lol:

After the 13 dogs we did the bucks (dairy goat bucks)
FAMACHA (no fecals today), copper, hooves trimmed, BCS

Total dairy bucks: 10 :ep
We didn't do the one that is going to slaughter. meana$$ buck.:duc
Did it all in 2 1/2 hours. Not bad considering once we started with the bucks it ended up being just my DD and I. :lol: Yeah... something about :sick the smell. The "men" ran off. :lol:

One of my bucklings from this year -an unregistered Nigie (the only unregistered boy we kept intact) is just my little love. I love this goat so much. He is my baby. I love love love him.
I cannot help but to just hug on him and smooch his face. He is such a good boy, so well mannered and sweet. He gets it from his daddy's side... definitely not his momma's side. :p
I think I may wether him and keep him. Then I could keep him with the girls and could be with him all the time.

Tomorrow we tackle the does... yeah this will be fun... pregnant does :rolleyes: so with the added hormones this should be a real blast.. NOT.:\ Bunch of prima donnas.:D

Then onto the Kiko's. :th

Reviewed our kidding list to start prepping and doing CDT's in December... but wanted to have my list. Star was still on the list. Still cannot believe it. :(

Great day. Beautiful weather.
Did I say how much I love "D"?

Ferguson K

Herd Master
Aug 3, 2015
Reaction score
I really need to get an animal scale. When kids start hitting the ground, soon followed by pigs, soon followed by hatching season, I am going to need to be able to keep up. Do you use a particular scale? Or just an old manual?

At least my husband will help handle a buck in rut. He's a manly man and can handle manly things ( there's a joke hiding in here... ) like men should.

I just did my does before I put the boys in. I don't think I'm going to do a 30dayout follow up. :hide I'm afraid it will be to close!!

How much did you way Thursday? Did you eat yourself into a food coma? I did. Twice!

Love love love seeing pictures of the dogs in action.

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