Hah! You got it bad, girl. Those boys are adorable. I'd be willing to bet they are staying right where they are.
Are you saying that one was kicked by the PEOPLE who owned them? or by a horse or something? Isn't anyone going to take these people to court and prevent them from owning more animals? This is insane.
I have a pygmy cross who was pretty wild when I got her from an abusive and negligent neighbor. She still hides when a stranger goes into her area. It has been years since she moved here with us. Today, I was patting another goat and she did her usual thing...she grabbed my pant leg in her mouth and tugged it until I patted her. There is hope.
One thing that was interesting and worked with this goat was the "Join Up" techniques for horses that Monty Roberts writes about. He had joined up with wild deer on his property. He started "breaking" wild horses as a child and got the technique down to an average of 28 minutes from the first meeting with the horse to actually riding it. I've seen him in action in person and he is amazing beyond words. There is a lot of his stuff out there. I closed Willow in the communal stall with me and worked her like it was a round pen and she was a horse. Worked great.
I just wanted to stop by and drop my condolences...I'm not much of a writer, or poster I guess...more a watch and learn kinda guy...but I have been watching along with my family and my heart goes out to you....we too lost the buckling that initially came home with our first three does, and it is a heart breaker...just take comfort in knowing you did the absolute best for Spider that you could.
I am SO sorry about spider! I cried reading the story about him then cried more when he passed. At least he feels no pain. You did a really good job trying to help all of them. Are you paying for the vet bills? Maybe we all can start a fund for you. I know I dont have much but I think any would help!
I started posting a reply and it disappeared. My hubby and I have been following your story of Spider and his siblings. I was in tears when I saw that he had died. You should be commended for all that you are doing, you are a very special person. Hopefully these new babies do well for you, they are very cute. The people that have had all these goats need to be dealt with, these people are not humans, they are cold, heartless animals. I have NO use for people such as them. In fact, I am trying to get something done in our area with some places that are not providing proper care for their livestock. I wish you the best of luck and I hope those people get prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law possible. Please keep us all posted.
Very Very sorry to read about Spider. He was so lucky you brought him home. Tho it was a short time he had quality of life and was loved. Those goats must have suffered terribly with that owner. Good luck with the new boys.