you will love it Bon! When I first got married my Dh took me to the range to teach me how to shoot...I was pretty hesitant. We were only shooting a 45 and a 9 that day... I instantly became hooked! LOVED IT!!! Problem was..I was a really good shot, and I was ultra competitive back then, well lets just say I was a REALLY GOOD SHOT! He stopped taking me after thatbonbean01 said:Oh...and for clarification...I am the one out there with the thermos of hot chocolate, apricot brandy in case of a lamb's birth that requires toasting, and snacks. I would do terribly with a rifle and probably shoot a sheep by is hubby who is the good shot, even at night with the super bright lights in the sheep paddock....couldn't believe it when he hit a skunk at the back of paddock at shot...headshot and no skunk stink.
Wish I was good with the rifle...DH wants to take me out to do some practice when the weather is better...kinda scares me, but probably not a bad idea though.
Hit us hell, you have to see us first