Straw Hat Kikos

Straw Hat Kikos

The Kiko Cowboy
May 18, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
Well Alana will go today. I have said that her bag is huge but now it is HUGE. You've all seen the Lamancha bags right? Yeah well, that's what it is like right now. It's crazy. She was also laying down and was pawing at the ground earlier. I bet all I have she goes today.

Sis and Arianna are great moms and their kids are doing great. Growing fast and all very healthy and wild things. They are starting to like people too. They will run up to you and jump up on you.

Moses is huge is has really mellowed out. He used to be so wild and you couldn't get withing 50 feet of him. Now he lets you pet and scratch him. He sometimes gives kisses too. He's growing at an incredible rate and is getting big. His horns are spiraling and he's looking good.

Caleb had a really bad issue a little bit ago. I never mentioned it anywhere else so none of you know but it was bad. He had scratched his eye. Not a big deal and they close it for a day, it clouds over, they get better. Well for some reason his eye got dangerously bad. I had not seen it for two days (last I saw it it was all ok and normal) then after that two day break from not seeing it, I saw it. His cornea has separated and was bulging out of his head. His whole eye basically was shooting out of his socket. It was clouded over and all you could see was the bulged thick white covering. It was so bad that it was the kind of thing where you are like, "Ok. Well either we try and treat this and hopefully he lives and if he does lets hope he's not blind. Basically we treat him and hopefully he lives and doesn't die on us." It was really bad and make your stomach turn. I decided to give him some Penicillin at a does of 1cc per 15 pounds. He got 4cc of Penicillin twice a day IM in the hip. He also got 1.5cc of it in his eye once a day. Did this for 7 days as well as gave him some probios to help his gut. (He didn't eat any of the probios though) I finished the 7 day course and his eye looked a bit better but not much more I could do so took him off it and let him be. Now, I want to say this real quick, it is amazing this goat. NEVER, thru this whole thing, did he once act not normal or act sick. I mean you would think that an eye injury so bad that you wonder if he'll even live would at least make him act "off". Nope he acted 100% normal every second of this issue. I still can't believe it. But now his eye is getting much better. His eye is still bulged a little bit and still has some white covering over it but you can now see his eye behind it and it is all going down. I think that soon his eye will be back to normal. He was able to see thru it for the longest time (how idk!) but then at the end he was blind in it but I think the sight is coming back. I will check once it is healed the rest of the way to see if he can see thru it again.

But boy, his eye was so bad I can't even explain it. I'm glad he is better now and didn't want to make mention of it because I had no idea if he would die or if we needed to put him down so I wanted to hold off.

Buut all is good now with all the animals and later today we should have more goats!


Ridin' The Range
Apr 23, 2012
Reaction score
Leggett, Tx
well, I'm glad Caleb is getting better - that's horrible. poor thing. It's not the same thing, but my head roo got into a fight with another roo and appears to be blind on his one side - everything else is fine tho, he just walks at a funny angle sometimes when he's trying to look at something new :)


Overrun with beasties
Aug 11, 2011
Reaction score
That's scarey with Caleb. Glad he's doing better...keep us posted!
Yay...kiddos coming again! Can't wait to see more kid photos....get the bed in the barn set up....


True BYH Addict
Dec 15, 2012
Reaction score
Alsea, Oregon
If I know one thing. Its that eye injuries are 911.
My exp. is with horses though. I had a gelding that had frequent cornea scratches and this ol mare has had a bad scratch that I tried to treat myself. Ended badly. She has lost most of the sight in that eye.
My last go round with her was her good eye. This time I had the vet right out.
The treatment plan was bute. For pain and swelling.
Atropine for pain and swelling. One time
Prescription ointment for five days four times per day.
Eye drops four times per day for five days.
Then ointment twice a day for five days.
Intense, but her eye healed.
Glad to hear your goats eye is doing better.


Overrun with beasties
Jan 21, 2012
Reaction score
Middleburg, VA
Ugh eye stuff. Makes me squeamish too. So glad he's on the mend! I sure hope he regains his sight 100%.

SOOOO??????? Did Alana kid yet??????? Surely she must have gone by now!

Straw Hat Kikos

The Kiko Cowboy
May 18, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
Alana kidded!! Sometimes this morning. Early. She kidded two bucks with nobody out there to help or to watch. I bet she waited till we left.

But two bucks. Ya'll don't need pictures because you know what they look like already! ha The one looks just like Mo Clone and the other looks like C4, black Swiss with the brown. So she has one that looks like Sis' kid and one that looks like Arianna's kid. And this is so funny. Every single kds has wattles except the to black Swiss with brown! How funny is that. Will get weights later but happy happy happy. :)