Rose N Lynne Farm
Chillin' with the herd
Hey I own 2 does on our 3/4 acre of land. They are kept in a large dog run and each are treated like a Saint Bernard. Big sloppy dogs Their pen is a mess... Anyways Nellie is a purebred Nubian, and Laylie is a purebred Alpine. I don't know much about breeds except for Nubian and Alpine (who reach 100+ pounds!), so I can't really help you there. Housing? Hmm well they need shelter which you probably already knew. They should have a very sturdy fence and jump really high. TOYS! They need to be able to entertain themselves when you are not out there! I'm probably now much of a help, but mind as well share some info while I'm here. Hoped I helped!
xx Emmadipstik
xx Emmadipstik