Sudden death or scam.


Exploring the pasture
Oct 17, 2016
Reaction score
So I sold a 4 month old piglet earlier today, who I believed was in perfect health. Now I need some advice. He was an indoor piglet and my baby. He was wormed, and fed mini pig feed, sweet feed as a treat, and pears and apples on occasion. He was very sweet but a little shy.
So he man come to see him and I gave him apples and he choked on one, but was fine with a drink of water. I mention this because I am trying to understand what could have gone wrong. He was eatting and drinking water that morning and other than some shaking from nerves or from the cold outside (outside maybe 20 min in 60 degree weather, but used to 70s in house) he seemed perfectly fine. He was pooping before he left and some was a little lose maybe but not unusually as he had apple sauce the night before.
So I packed the little guy up and signed paper work for him, then sent him to what I thought was a good home.
3 hours later the man's wife called and said he was shaking and laying of the couch and refused to stand up. I hear some grunting in the back of the call and told her to bring him to my house, then immediately called my BFF who is a vet tech and almost a vet, and she said she would be over to check him out.
An hour later or so the woman called back and said that the pig had died. She said that they got lost on the way over and he passed in her arms. She said he shuddered and died while they were Driveing. She seemed to be crying and said they named him wilbur.
So I was upset as well and said that I would be happy to give her a full refund if she brought his body back to me, but she refused this and said she was burying him and acted like it was wrong for me to ask about the body. I told her that I understood but would need him so I could have him checked and see why he had passed. She said she would talk to her husband and that she would send him by tomarrow with the carrier that I sent him to them in.
So I Called my mom in shock and she said she think this is a scam. Idk what to think and thought I would ask. Could a pig die 3 hours after going to a new home? Is coughing up a little apple enough of a symptom to kill a pig in hours? Or is someone messing with me because in young and I care about my pigs?

He took a bath before he left, and his poo was not as hard as usual when he poopd in the bath, but he had an appetite and was walking around normally.


Chillin' with the herd
Nov 30, 2017
Reaction score
If he was okay when he left, and before he left, then if it was three hours later than most likely it's a scam or they did something wrong. Don't quote me on that though, this is just from growing up with pigs, not currently having them.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
I know nothing about pigs but IMHO this is a scam straight up. What person in their right mind would call and say the pig they bought from you 3 hours earlier died and they won't return him to you for a refund? That is ridiculous! No body returned, no refund. Simple as that. If they want their money back, you get that pig back!

@farmerjan @misfitmorgan @Farmer Connie Or any of the other porker specialists want to chime in?


Exploring the pasture
Oct 17, 2016
Reaction score
I will wait and see of they can bring his remains by then. I would like to have the body so I can autopsy it if he did pass, and make sure there is nothing wrong with my pigs.
He was an indoor pig after the age of 8 weeks like most of my piglets. They get to go outside in a little pens so they can root in the soil and get sun, but mostly they hang out in my living room. I have a littler of little and 3 are going to new homes by the 23. Now I'm questionin if maybe I should keep them and refund people money... but I will see if I can get the body first. My friend said the only thing she can think of that would kill a pig that fast is a gut twist or intestinal issues but he was pooping and drank in water, and other than getting a bit chunky this past month, his diet has not changed. I'll just have to wait and keep insisting that I get the body. My friend said she can check for a gut twist, but other then that she dose not know what could kill a pig so fast.


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I agree, no body=no refund.

If they bring the body back, then check for what you can. If you are not able to identify the cause of death, it could be they transported him incorrectly/too hot/too cold, or made another error in judgement that cause his passing. Small creatures get stepped on or electrocuted, or eat things they shouldn't, and sometimes inexperienced folks make mistakes before they figure it out.

If everyone else is healthy and doing well in the meantime, and they are with you for another week or so, you can watch for symptoms. If there are none, then you should be able to go ahead and let them go to their new homes without assuming there is something wrong.

I don't know about pigs, but are they subject to coccidia and worm isssues? I do know they can be very sensitive to stressors, the market pigs local kids show around here can get sick from going to the fair just because transport and different routines, temperatures, etc....


Exploring the pasture
Oct 17, 2016
Reaction score
I know stress can kill pigs, but mine are all parasite free. In do injectable (invermectin I think) for 2 weeks every 6 months. I also took him around town in the car a few times because I was thinking about keeping him. Maybe I babied him too much and he got stressed and died when he left but it just seems so strange. He was such an amazing pig and I really thought he was going to a nice home.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
No body = no refund. Also, make an agreement with any new prospective customers that in the case of sudden death within xx number of days, you will give a full refund upon return of the deceased animal. That will take care of any further issues, but even so, I would refuse to refund any money without the return of the piglet. They are not at a position to refuse the return so that you can have him autopsied so that if there is a legitimate reason that it died, you will be more than willing to refund their money. It sounds like they are not responsible people and I would refuse to sell them anything in the future too.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Also, in the case of us and cattle, once it is loaded on their trailer, it is the new owners. Period. Granted, there are ins companies that can be used for registered and high dollar animals, and our farm policy covers the vehicle and trailer if there should be an accident. But, this sounds like someone trying to pull a fast one.