Suggestions for an underweight calf


Ridin' The Range
Jun 16, 2012
Reaction score
Cecilia, Kentucky
I have the horse hay out which is a mix and I had some pure alfalfa left. She eats on both. The sweet feed I got simply because every other animal on the farm seems to love the stuff. The calf included. I have a goat and molasses is the only way I got her on a bottle after rejection from her mom. I will try again on pics today. It was so hot yesterday and I had a goat having a rough time so I was wicked busy. I feel like I carried a water hose around all day. She is a healthy little eater and is letting me touch her finally. Hopefully that will help me in checking on her better. She is mostly munching away in the field but she does sit in the shade and much on the horse hay alot. If good hay is what she needs then we have that and she is welcome to it. I don't have anymore pure alfalfa so she got the last of that yesterday. Its not something we usually have, I just happened to have a single bale of it.