Herd Master
On a related topic went to get some feed today and barn was almost full of hay
First cut fescue
One of the guys was saying it was one of the best spring cuttings they ever had
I said "are you joking" ?
No he said and how much per acre yield they had gotten
Well that's because it's the first week of June it should have been cut 3 weeks ago
I'm sure it is very coarse and stemmy
Cows will eat it I'm sure
Not my picky girls
But I'm sure it lost a lot of its nutritional value
I don't feed fescue much any way
First cut fescue
One of the guys was saying it was one of the best spring cuttings they ever had
I said "are you joking" ?
No he said and how much per acre yield they had gotten
Well that's because it's the first week of June it should have been cut 3 weeks ago
I'm sure it is very coarse and stemmy
Cows will eat it I'm sure
Not my picky girls
But I'm sure it lost a lot of its nutritional value
I don't feed fescue much any way