"Surprise" Bunny as a gift. Has fleas, need advice!


Chillin' with the herd
May 15, 2010
Reaction score
Okay, so my neighbor pulled into my driveway about a half an hour ago with a "surprise" for me. He has rabbits that apparently had "gotten loose" on his property once and now they reproduce in the woods and run wild. But that's a whole other topic. Anyway, he saw some neighborhood dogs chasing a baby bunny in his yard so he rescued it and gave it to me as a surprise. He's an older guy, and was trying to be nice, not realizing I carefully research pets before taking on this kind of responsibility.

I told him I don't even have a rabbit hutch or anything and he said to just put him in with my chickens. So he left, and I'm wandering around the yard in shock with a baby bunny in my hand. I decided go online and do some rabbit research to see what this little guy needs. My neighbor says he's a "New Zealand" and is about 2 or 3 weeks old, but I know nothing about rabbits, so this means little to me.

Just as I was about to put him in my hen house for now since it's empty during the day, I saw a flea on her. Upon further inspection I found lots of flea dust and several living fleas. Now I'm really panicked, I don't want fleas in my house, I have two indoor cats, and I'm not sure about the chickens, but I imagine they could get fleas too, right?

Does anyone have any advice as far as general care for the bunny, but also what I can do about the fleas?! Can I just use cat flea stuff? Any ideas where I can keep him segregated until the fleas are gone? I don't want to spread them to my other animals. I don't have a barn or any outbuildings other than the coop with the chickens and a shed which gets very hot.

Right now the poor little thing is in a cardboard box in the yard until I figure out a better plan, so any advice would be appreciated. People should not give live animals as surprise gifts, but all I can do now is try and give him a good home and tell my neighbor thanks but never do this again!

PS: Just remembered I have a Guinea Pig cage instead of the box, but still not sure where to put the cage given the flea situation!


Chillin' with the herd
Jun 27, 2010
Reaction score
ok i raised wild bunnies for a neighbor girl once and have had several pet ones.
1. if eyes are open it is weaned so feed it normal bunny food.
2. fleas... dawn dish soap will kill off ones on it, flea treatment for kittens prevent.
i have never put a rabbit in with chickens i've heard good and bad things.
new zealand is just a breed i'm sure by time u read this you have researched on them to get size and stuff.
if it is a boy you want to play with it or you'll end up with a aggressive bunny.
bunnies are great pets and if you don't want it i'm sure you can find it a great home.

oh passing thought rabbit hutches normaly hane wire bottoms that will ruin a rabbits feet over time. yes they are easier to clean but.


Chillin' with the herd
May 15, 2010
Reaction score
Thanks sammileah; yes, he's definitely weaned. His eyes are open and in the amount of time since my first post he's eaten a big chunk of carrot and some bunny food, so that's good.

I've been reading a lot of contradicting things about various flea treatments for bunnies, but I'm still sifting through websites and calling vets trying to come to a safe approach.


Chillin' with the herd
May 18, 2009
Reaction score
Orange County, CA
I use cat flea treatment and so do most people on my (pet) rabbit forum.

Easy on the carrots, too much sugar for the little one.

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