Wow. Holy smokes, lady Great job. Congrats on two healthy babies!! That's a big concern over here. I'm looking towards only my second kidding in a few weeks, first went fine. I'll be reading your post over and over ....
You did great and thank you for posting that!!! I've always feared tangled twins and not knowing what to do...this was so helpful You did a good job of saving those babies and your doe!
Heres a couple pictures from today without their coats on.
I am concerned with his feet and legs. I think you can see from the pictures they are not quite right. He can get up and walk, but he marches in place with his front feet, so i dont know if they hurt him?
His joints seem a bit soft, maybe slightly bent in on the front ones. Give him a few days though and as he moves about and eats more, they will likely firm up and straighten. If not, it might do him well to have a bit of Nutridrench or selenium gel. Lots of people get BoSe from their vet which is better than the gel if you are in an area of Selenium deficiency.
Thats what dh said, and i suggested selenium. Farmers in our area dont use selenium shots regularly as we dont have an issue with it, but im sure its needed on occassion! Will keep am eye on him.
Most of the U.S. is deficient and other soil and plant contents impact absorption as well (like sulfur, iron and molybdenum). I bet it is similar in Canada. That said, our vet isn't keen on the shots and we have only had one who had an issue (which he said was just her poor confirmation--he was in error and we treated her with gel and now she has fantastic shape that visitors even comment on). I know others will tell you the paste isn't worth its weight but it did help her.
Excellent! It just seems to be a small area here that farmers dont worry about se and its just what ive been told from waiting for goods at the feed store.