Herd Master
Nice to hear that your grandfather is recovering, if more slowly than anyone would like. That sort of thing always takes longer the older we get.
You might be just a BIT early in calling Spring. I don't think that happens in February when you live in Alaska. It sure doesn't happen in Vermont! Think "middle of May" here. That is when the leaves pop on the trees. The grasses aren't even growing until the beginning of May. When "they" say spring starts on or around March 20th, they lie
Sorry to hear about the truck. There are always so many things hauling money out of the wallet, sure don't need "surprises" too.
You might be just a BIT early in calling Spring. I don't think that happens in February when you live in Alaska. It sure doesn't happen in Vermont! Think "middle of May" here. That is when the leaves pop on the trees. The grasses aren't even growing until the beginning of May. When "they" say spring starts on or around March 20th, they lie

Sorry to hear about the truck. There are always so many things hauling money out of the wallet, sure don't need "surprises" too.