Tasty Acres Homestead (From 2020 jump to 2023)


Herd Master
Feb 15, 2016
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Tasty Acres Homestead

Only two more days till we move! Beyond overjoyed!

We have almost nothing ready to move so me and sister have our hands full tomorrow .... Dad is taking the two younger sisters on a boat. Sisters are overhyped. Lol. But we are going to move everything Sunday! Yaya.

Well, we thought there was a block up in the septic but turns out the thing had to be totally removed and a new one put in.... I am not sure what was exactly wrong but that a new one had to be put in.

Finished tarping the roof wensday... No more leaks! :weee
Also means ceiling is coming down. It is totally destroyed from several leaks that were left for the last couple years.

We are going to be putting drywall up hopefully by the end of October.... Still need to decide on paint colors. :\

Also we started on finishing out the basement... A decent amount of time needs to be put into it and dad is kinda putting it off. Lol.

The house is a 4bed and 1bath... I been meaning to post that but keep forgetting. :rolleyes:

Looking back over the year I didn't think papa would pass so soon after coming up here, with his passing I was a mess.... Couldn't think how anything good could come from it.... And then aunt died my life flipped in seconds, I didn't want to even take it in.... I just screamed no for hours, but I knew I had to except it and move on, thank God I did only to relieze my dear friend would pass just days later... Oh, how that pain shot into me once again, one second your watching a movie with my siblings having a great time only for my sister to walk into the room and say aunt had died, and me doing dishes and to look over to see mom crying... What is it? Kara passed. Tragedys over and over again and also just two weeks later Uncle would die but something had to change in me! I can't keep on with this why is this happening and not looking ahead just wanting too know why! I will never know exactly why but I can take this next step into life and grasp it and be thankful for what good has one out of all this... I couldn't have imagined we would be given the family farm.... But God has been so good and blessed us so much.

And I really need to get you all some pictures of my fishing trips this summer and oh, the kayaking trip we made just a couple of weeks ago.

Alright I am about to fall asleep so I will stop here and finish in the morning. :frow


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
That is certainly a reasonable "business" decision.

I would think it would cost a small fortune to fly the goats up!


Herd Master
Feb 15, 2016
Reaction score
That is certainly a reasonable "business" decision.

I would think it would cost a small fortune to fly the goats up!
It will be about 4000 on top of the price for the kids but we have set aside 10000 to do it and dad plans on adding 5000 more to the budget. I need to really talk to Lookout Point Ranch to see what they charge.... On there website they can give us a quote so that is where I got these numbers.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
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NW Vermont
Somehow I missed your longer post when I posted at 9 AM (ish).

Good luck with the move. Isn't most everything in the trailer or do you have tents and stuff where some people sleep?

That seems like a LOT of money to recover. What is the business plan for these goats to pay for themselves? Seems like it would be hard enough even if you could cart the animals home from just a few miles away.


Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
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East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
Tragedys over and over again
I am so sorry! I just read this. I don't know how I missed it. My heart breaks for you and your family! :hugs That is almost too much loss for one family to endure in such a short period of time. :hit

So, how are you doing, now that three weeks have passed? By now you will have moved. Are y'all settling in?

It sounds like y'all had a lot on your plate, in addition to so many loved one lost in such a short time frame.

I haven't gone back to check, but if memory serves me, your father had bought one small piece of land, and started getting ready to build, but then another better opportunity came up, so discontinued the first project. Is the one you mentioned above (the family place) the one that came along after your father started work on the temporary home? Was that where your Pappa lived?

I hope and pray that things are going well for you and your family. :hugs
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Herd Master
Feb 15, 2016
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Sorry, devonviolet! I have been so busy!

But I am well..... Since I am sitting down finally I will update you all. :)


Herd Master
Feb 15, 2016
Reaction score
~Tasty Acres Homestead~

So sorry guys for my lack of updates..... I am just so busy it is hard to find time for anything electronic.

@Devonviolet I am doing well along with the rest of the fam..... Been working on the homestead none stop and trying to do school.....​

We'll, even with how cold summer was (never got over 70) winter is here early.... First snow is coming Saturday. Sad because we still have so much to do. That to do list is so long.​

To do list to get done before "Thanksgiving" -
Strip floors in the house
Dismantle 5-sheds
Repair the barn roof
Get barn Insulated for winter so chickens will stay warm
Order 200-chicks
Put up drywall and paint
Split 13-cords of wood
Finish house basement

But we did get the broken beams in the shop replaced, thank God for no snow!

We have decided to go ahead and not sell our tractor as it is going to be very useful soon....

Cousin is doing good..... He has made it very clear he wants to be with our family so we have decided to go ahead and adopt him.... We have a great lawyer and things are moving along. Yaya.

Shosh and cousin are the same age.... So they are now known as the twins, lol.... He and her get along great.

Baby bro is 5-months old.... My is he growing fast, already can rollover and talks nonsense noises all the time.... Love him. He has the sweetest smile ever.... Everyday I can see more if papa in this little man, papa always smiled with ha smirk on left side of his face.... Little man does the same thing. As does my uncle.

I have had the chance to get to know my uncles, aunts, and cousins.... Uncle Mike is just like papa (papa's brother)..... Just been having lots of fun with them.

On the 16 of this month, Boaz turned 4.... It is bittersweet because for one I can't believe he is 4 now, it seems just a bit ago he was 5 months and just investigating his new home, our home, now his home for life.

The old Boaz has become the better he has become!

From saving nosh from a Stranger to keep watch over little chicks he is loyal to his family!

I couldn't have asked for a better dog!

Just the other day there was a dog aggressively barking at my siblings.... I watched Boaz snap and chase that dog away..... There was no touching his kids.

My pup that will never get a bad remark from me!


I better wrap this up but tomorrow I will try my hardest to go and get pics of the homestead!


Herd Master
Feb 15, 2016
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Oh, and the best thing this month is my adopted sister (cousins sis) just had her first child two weeks ago! I am his aunt!

She is coming to visit November 1st. :weee:weee:weee:weee:weee


Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
Wow TAH! Thanks for the update! You really have had a lot going on. I look forward to seeing your photos.

You mentioned school. I can't remember . . . are you being home schooled? Or are you getting settled into a new school? What grade are you in now?

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