Tasty Acres Homestead (From 2020 jump to 2023)


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
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East Texas
Ok, reading the following, I see they do re-appraise at selling and appraise it close to true market value but keep the rate at around 1% with an annual max of 1% increase capped at 2%, but if the following is correct, the increase can't go up more than 2% PER YEAR.

NN. I still don’t see what good Proposition 13 is to me.

A. Well, besides your lower tax rate, it makes your taxes predictable. In a few years when new houses sell in the neighborhood for two or three times what you paid, you will be protected. Under Proposition 13 your property taxes can’t go up more than two percent a year.


And Prop 8 comes into play if a given property drops in market value, but if values start back up, the annual increase can be dramatic.
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Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
IMHO, Govt be damned, there are 3 things that are necessary to human survival and should not be taxed... food/water (medicines?), clothes and shelter. So a home and at least/up to 1/2-1 acre (I'd be more in favor of 5 acres so a family could provide their own food if they wanted to & do) and should not be taxed. As for where the funds needed for all the things our bloated govt provides, well, that's the makings of one hell of a debate/argument/fight. :duc:hide


Herd Master
May 10, 2010
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Anderson, CA
Ok @greybeard you are right. I honestly have not seen my taxes go up in the 10 years we have owned our current home. But even 2% is a blessing compared to what it was. I was in college when this passed and I remember my mom being so thankful as she was worried about getting taxed out of her home. Property values were on the rise and every time a neighborhood home sold for some crazy inflated price everyone got new tax bills. I also remember my mom being worried about doing any improvement or maintenance on the house that would require a building permit as that would bring a rise in taxes too.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
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NW Vermont
I suspect there is enough "house movement" that for every "older folk" that has lived in their place for decades and aren't carrying as much of the load, every house that sells covers the difference. My Mother's taxes in Downey were $850, mine here were 4X that when she died in 2003. The house sold for (IIRC) $450K. The new people were paying what, $9K?


Herd Master
Feb 15, 2016
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Almost all the floor is pulled and the walls are being stripped... In two weeks we start re-wiring for eletric.... My cousin (Kyle) is going to help my dad. YAYA.


Herd Master
Feb 15, 2016
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Here some pictures from the bay last week.


Herd Master
Feb 15, 2016
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Hey, everyone.... I'm to lazy to write nicely.... for once I am relaxing.

Well, today was crazy.... I had a lot of fun swing a hammer and moving boxes.

We busted out 4 walls today.... man I still need to get you all pictures.... dad hasn't let me touch his phone, lol.

We are thinking it won't be long before we get a decent snow storm. ugh. So yesterday I helped dad get everything ready for the snow.... we put tarps on the house roof, got the plow truck running, stacked a ton of wood (still 2 more cords to chop and stack), hooked up water heaters, etc.

I finally decide to start taking pain meds to get my headaches under control.... I am very happy with my decision.

Crashed my bike again today, ugh.... second time... I'm alright, sore. lol.

Molly is doing awesome! I love her.

i'm falling asleep.


Herd Master
Feb 15, 2016
Reaction score
Tasty Acres Homestead

This last week My dad and aunt-Mary (she is in charge of everything that happens with the house/property) sat down and actually got to talk about what is happening with the house/property....

There is 10-acres total plus 2-house on the property, and 3-siblings to split everything with, dad is in for papas share... So it has been decided we get the house, shop, barns, and 5-acres.... The other house (little 2-bed cabin) is going to my uncle and him and the 2 other siblings will split up the rest of the 5-acres. :weee

Also My cousin-Jamie has a cabin/tiny-house on the property.... So she gets 1/2-an acre.

So now that is settled we can now really start doing things to the property and house. :woot

In the spring it will be settled on how the property will be split up.

We are also going to focus on getting the bathroom done so we can move into the basement by January 1.... We are going to put in temporary walls so everyone has a bedroom and then we move in.... We still have to clean down there.... A scary task, there is mold, garbage everywhere, insulation hanging out, etc.... I guess I know what my next task is. :hide

couple days ago was brothers birthday, zimmy turned 12.... He is almost taller than me (I'm 5'4) which I am not happy about but sadly nothing I can do. :hit:lol:

He is growing to be a young considerate man. :D

We just relaxed that day, I made brownies, Mom got him a Lego set, etc.... He had fun. :)

I finally talked with a natropathic/friend
about my headaches and shooting stomach pains.... He decided I should go totally off gluten and dairy. :th I'm Not elimenating it totally, I cut the dairy toally but the gluten I am still esting just in smaller amounts... No more glasses of milk, cheese, ice cream, etc... So sad other than I am already feeling a lot better. :weee

I am aslo now drinking 2-smoothies a day, Running/biking/walking miles each day, etc... Feel great, other than it is always cold outside.

supposed to be 14 degrees tomorrow night. :confused: and six inches of snow are coming this weekend. There are already snow clouds out. :(

Never the best thing when the gate to the chickens is open when you get done from taking a nap... 26 of them were out this morning, but thankfully Dylan was out riding his dirt bike so he stopped and helped me and brother catch them all... 1 house later we had most of them in. :barnie

But funny story-
I had the turkey trapped when Dylan pushed me out of the way to catch it.... Next thing I know he is chase the dang thing in the road, then all the around the greenhouse, thru the barn.... Then I here a bunch of banging, when Dylan comes out of the barn with the bird.... It was like a classic Movie of someone chasing something, lol.

I had a bit of fun messing with him about it...:p

I am still dealing with depression daily but I am pushing thru. Sometimes I felling like... :hit

For thanksgiving My nana is coming over on sunday (she is busy on thanksgiving day) and then on thanksgiving day we are just going to relax and work over at the house.

Oh, and on another note are not to be bring up Kikos ever. :hitBut instead Dexter cows.... We are going to get 3-Heifers on the spring and bring a bull up in the fall.... Maybe A couple cow/calf pairs will come up for sale the spring, we will see.

But with the thing on goats/sheep most likely passing dad decided it is not worth it anymore.... However cows will do even better with where we are at.... So I guess it will work out better.

But I still have permission to get 4-goats... 1 buck and 3 does just for our family for milk.... And 2 wethers for farm pets.

And we have talked with a restaurant about us raising pigs for meat, and they will need about 6-8 pigs raised each year, still some meager facts to figure out before that happens, such as where to butcher.

Dad said tonight I could have his phone for pictures. :celebrate


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