Herd Master
Oh geeze! That stinks in a big way BL! Hope you aren't too banged up.
Oh, yeah, I'm OK - just a bit bruised. In a way, it's kinda nice knowing I can still take a spill and not break something.
Though even my minis knock me around occasionally. I think it was sometime last year, my mini mule absolutely flattened me. I don't remember just what happened, other than she took off from somewhere behind me to somewhere to the opposite side and slightly to the front of me, and because I was holding her lead in the one hand, it passed behind me and tightened up when she hit the end, and took my feet out from under me very neatly. Literally a face-plant; I skinned my chin a bit. That one was completely unexpected; I thought I was steadier on my feet than to get knocked down that easily.
Though on a happy note, when I fell off, BB2K and I had just come back from a ride on Latte and Sunny. We had been walking them on roads and beside a road with a lot of gravel, and Sunny had seemed pretty much comfortable the whole time (other than the occasional "ouchy" step like she stepped on a rock, but Latte did that, too). I hadn't been sure we could ever do that with Sunny, knowing how tender her feet had been in the past, but she keeps improving.