Chillin' with the herd
Being newbies with raising sheep, we are ecstatic with our lambing experience. We bought 3 ewes and 1 ram just before xmas. All 3 ewes turned out to be bred. The two younger ewes gave birth to single. They both looked strong but we didn't think to weigh it at birth. The third older ewe gave birth to twins. We are very happy that our flock double in size in matters of weeks. Our goal for flock size is about twelve as we only have 2 acres divided in 2 paddock at present.
All lambs are ewe lambs, 4 out of 4. What is the odds of that? We were actually hoping to get at least one ram lamb so we can harvest him in the fall. Would it be a wasteful to harvest a ewe? what do people do?
All lambs are ewe lambs, 4 out of 4. What is the odds of that? We were actually hoping to get at least one ram lamb so we can harvest him in the fall. Would it be a wasteful to harvest a ewe? what do people do?