Herd Master
Congratulations on the new lambs. I can just see the annoyed look on Maisy's face.
Maybe the bottle lamb would learn to steal off other ewes....We had another couple sets of twins born this morning. We went out and got weights and ear tagged those that are ready for it. Our sheep have the tendency to spend the first couple of days at or near the spot where they lambed so I always make sure I have extra water and feed to set out for them. Fortunately they are smart enough to stay near shade with almost 100 degrees for the last couple of days. I have a stand of giant bamboo that seems to be their favorite spot. There is a micro climate under the bamboo that keeps them fairly comfortable even with the heat.
Teresa went out to see where the bottle lamb was and he was bouncing around Maisy and bumping her all over trying to figure out where the milk was. She finally had enough and walked away.
Maybe the bottle lamb would learn to steal off other ewes....