I'm not feeling terribly bad but felt like I was trying to breathe water. Wound up with laryngitis also but the only impact that has had is that Lance goes on offence whenever I try to croak something out since he thinks there is a stranger in the house.
My voice is about half hoarse also. Had someone ask me today if I was all right... had to explain that this hoarse voice is a common thing for me when I get a cold.
Lance is on the job protecting the house from that weird talking stranger! LOL
Just hold a ball in front of Sassy and Lance. They won’t care what you sound like then!
I had to put down our oldest ewe that was born here today. This ewe got caught in a small ditch so that she wound up on her back and although it couldn't have been very long it was evidently long enough. We did what we could do to bring her around but she had obviously been down long enough to not be able to recover.