Plus Mike has a tractor so if he crosses the line, he has the tools to handle it!
My garden is a mess of "planned" and "stick something in". The blueberries, raspberries and rhubarb are along the south fence and were here when we bought the place in Nov '11. Of course they didn't have a garden that year and EVERYTHING else was a mass of hills and valleys filled with thick grass and roots (and rocks of course). We managed to rip out some of it and make a small garden summer of '12. Nothing summer of '13 since we couldn't live here while half the house was rebuilt so the grass took over again. Back to square 1.
I've made progress here and there, made a hugelkultur last year, it has strawberries on it. And grass and creeping charlie trying to take it over.
Unfortunately all the new "priority 1" things that come up mean I don't make much progress in taking back the garden space. I spend too much time string trimming the grass back down (not set up for the mower to get in or around and those "hills and valleys" make it pretty impossible anyway) and hand clearing grass and its roots around the established plants just to keep from going backward.
Bruce we had a long time to plan and since we were here only a few days a month we did several things that we were able to 'fix' to make it workable. All of my permanent beds are far enough apart that I can run the riding mower. Teresa is the most capable person that I know of but her 'wants' have to be looked at with 'how much manual labor does that add'. She has the imagination and I have a knack for how much effort will that take so it works. We never disagree but we have not done a lot of things because of the details.
And a 'just because' picture. My cousin wanted a picture of the new lambs.
We dug our first bit of our row of potatoes and I think we might have crossed that line mentioned yesterday at least as far as potatoes go. I was weeding the garden beds by the house and Teresa went down to weed the corn but decided to dig a small length of the potatoes. She dug about 12 lbs or so in a short 5' section and there is around 45' more to go.
your garden is doing great, think @CntryBoy777 is right, you're gonna need a place to store those. can see them now, cooked with a little butter and a little parsley. uummm.
boy, your black lambs are sure growing. couple of my ram lambs are almost as bit as their mamas. thinking about saving a couple of those spotted hides to tan.
Our December born lambs are bigger than their moms. We want to get several more Katahdins and have 4 of the DorperKatahdin crosses sold after they are bred hopefully next month.
I had a really late start and my lambs were all born in early may to early june so i'm pleased with how they are growing. spoke to my friend in west fork that I get the rams from and he is saving us another guy for this fall. looking forward to seeing him.