Our thoughts also Baymule. Medicine has come so far in the last few years that those kind of operations are no longer drastic procedures like they use to be.
Thanks ya'll. They already got him up and walking this evening. I came home tonight because I've been so darn sick and I need to get my rest. When he comes home in a couple of days, I gotta bring my A game! I don't have time to be sick!
Us men often get this sense that we are what makes the world go round but then we get a rude awakening and realize it is the ladies in our lives that are actually holding that world together.
We did get a contract on our house and hopefully everything will go through without a hitch (just knocked on wood). The offer was actually above our ask but that was a lender move to help the buyers with closing costs.
We have been packing or I should say my wonderful bride has been packing (We broke down the shop tools and packed all the loose hand tools over the weekend). We will pack up the U-Haul on Thursday head out Friday and finish unpacking on Saturday to come back Sunday to SC. The shop tools and boxes along with 6 or 700 feet of lumber is going to fill the truck pretty quick so it's going to take another U-Haul around Easter weekend for what is left. We have help on both ends so that's a good thing.