Herd Master
I burned the midnight oil...dug thru the trash...found the chip and retrived the 1,351 pics....
....I used the adapter and plugged it into the computer. Thanks Joe, but no internet on the computer.
Your fences should certainly be able to keep him in. Ours our high tensile electric so we chose a different breed to be on the safe side.We are comfortable with our fences so in most cases we are also comfortable with our dogs safety also
Your fences should certainly be able to keep him in. Ours our high tensile electric so we chose a different breed to be on the safe side.I do like the Akbash from all that I read and heard about when we were considering getting one. I just wasn't sure if anyone mentioned that part to you.
Just follow the road apples?BTW, how did you find the Amish in your area?
I had never heard of Dr. Temple Grandin until a few weeks ago. She came to UT to speak this week, Wed night I think. We, in the animal science department, were encouraged to go but with kids and animals and living an hour from campus I didn't. Now I wish I had.My understanding is that she has a great understanding of animal behavior.