We aren't planning on going anywhere anytime soon either but we network enough that every critter would still have a good life if something unexpected did happen. The herding dogs have two places to go where they could still work and the LGD's have several folks that would love them. Sheep are easy to relocate so no problem there either.
HI just finished reading all the post and am LOVING your journal as your journey is very much like the one we are getting ready to embark on as we start the "slow" process of building our small house and moving into it and starting our first homestead Thankfully we have friends that are already on the land so we will all be working together to get everything built and as the animals are brought on board. Just wanting to say Hi and quit being a lurker
We got the last of the wooden posts set and Jay and I will run the last 100' of wire tomorrow (depending on the weather) and get the last two gates hung. I used Jay to dig the last post hole since I think that is how I got my shoulder whacked up. I did make a Dr appointment for the 1st of February to hopefully see what kind of shape it is really in.
We switched all of our insurance over to Farm Bureau this afternoon from USAA to better fit our needs. I have been with USAA since 1978 but they aren't geared toward farms and they don't offer what we are needing.
Thor is growing so fast I figured I had better get a couple of current "puppy" pictures. I have to keep him on a leash during his house visits since I'm afraid Sassy will show some fear aggression toward Thor. I don't want them to be friends but I do want to try to show them that they belong. He tries to play with Lance but Lance isn't sure that would be fun and his expression shows it.