I haven't figured that out yet. I'm just assuming he is the one doing it but have never seen him so there isn't much I can do about it. I sprayed hot sauce all around it when we re-covered it but of course with all of this rain......
If baby lambs are anything like baby goats, they're ping pong balls of energy. My day old kids have already started trying to climb and bounce off the side of the shelter...
The lambs don't have access to the paddock with the remodeled hoop house but they must run 4 or 5 miles a day just because they can. They will hit the ewes for milk, lie down for a few minutes and then someone does this silent whistle thing that I can't here and all of the lambs are up in a stampede going nowhere and everywhere in their minds I'm sure.
Being one who always got blamed, with no evidence, and no chance at defense, and actually being innocent of that accused, I shirk from blaming without proof... Just me.
If his dogs are anything like mine (past and present), placing anything in the pasture means offering a new toy for them to chew up and play with... Unless there's some way to mount it high enough to still trigger, without being within reach (and those dogs can JUMP... HIGH), the gamecam will become a very expensive doggie chew toy.
I never did find my 18v drill that I'm sure Maisy took but it was never seen again.
Another picture of our law mowers. I put in enough gates that I can pretty much access all available grass without much trouble.
Teresa is letting the chickens out to free range and they made a beeline to the garden beds. She is getting 16 or 17 eggs from our 18 hens so they are laying regularly.
Hopefully our latest freeze didn't get our fruit trees again and they are in full bloom right now.