Teresa & Mike CHS - Our journal

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
We thought about doing some Hot Wings for a late lunch for some friends but changed our minds and made some Hot Legs instead. I didn't think about taking a picture until several were already eaten.

Teresa is doing something electrical out with the chickens and needed some parts so before we went into town we put a chuck roast from our last years steer on the smoker. It will be lunch tomorrow but we both had to sneak a couple of bites and it is awesome. The chuck roast was cooked like you would in an oven rather than smoked so cook time was just under 3 hours. If anything it could have been pulled 15 or 20 minutes sooner but we were out longer than planned going to the peach orchard.

Hot chicken legs 7 July 2018.JPG
Smoked beef roast 7 July 2018.JPG


Herd Master
Golden Herd Member
Mar 7, 2018
Reaction score
We thought about doing some Hot Wings for a late lunch for some friends but changed our minds and made some Hot Legs instead. I didn't think about taking a picture until several were already eaten.

Teresa is doing something electrical out with the chickens and needed some parts so before we went into town we put a chuck roast from our last years steer on the smoker. It will be lunch tomorrow but we both had to sneak a couple of bites and it is awesome. The chuck roast was cooked like you would in an oven rather than smoked so cook time was just under 3 hours. If anything it could have been pulled 15 or 20 minutes sooner but we were out longer than planned going to the peach orchard.

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Y'all need to stop posting these yummy pictures at dinnertime! :barnie Hard not to drool! :drool

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
A lot of people buy in bulk at the auction and resell at Farmers Market

Same here. We have a produce auction on Thursday nights and they drive about 50 miles from Va Beach, Newport News, etc. to buy and resell that weekend. Those in town people love it and pay dearly!

Some days you can get great deals, past week wasn't one. :hide Primarily there were a lot of shindigs set up for this weekend to celebrate the mid week 4th of July. So, busy at the auction. They had some melons & corn to drool over! I didn't get any of them...went too high. Next week will be slower. Last year I got things it wouldn't pay me to grow.

So, I love the "hoein" story! Yep, I was laughing at that one.

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
For some reason a bunch of Poison Ivy that I thought had been eradicated, all of a sudden made a comeback in the chickens pen. I did put on some Ivy Block this time before starting with the weed eater and took a shower as soon as I finished so hopefully I don't pay for not wearing long clothing in the heat.

One of our Barred Rocks has been trying to set on the nest for the last couple of weeks so we decided to let her sit and see how she does.

I have been calling the sheep in with a little bit of feed so I can get plenty of "hands on" time to see who I want to get rid of and who we want to breed. We have 3 that will be sold to the auction house as culls and 9 that we are going to breed and sell as commercial ewes. Except for the 3 culls they look as good or better in most cases than any sheep around here.
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Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
This is a "just because" picture just because I haven't posted any sheep pictures in awhile. The ewes are all getting back into super condition which makes me happy since they are literally only getting a hand full of feed each to just keep them coming. The remaining 4 lambs that are still nursing (or trying to) will get pulled so their dams can get a break. Their is one 9 week old ram lamb still in the main herd and he definitely gets pulled this week. There have been so many small things needing done that we had to start a 'to-do' list to get the priority things finished and not so many almost done things hanging.

The other picture is on the corner down from our home in South Carolina which is a fairly common scene in and around Charleston. The gator is at the top of the picture. We had a 140 acre lake at the rear of our subdivision that had some really big gators. We had very few neighbors that let dogs or cats run loose or they often didn't come home.
Sheep lounging 9 July 2018.JPG


Herd Master
Golden Herd Member
Mar 7, 2018
Reaction score
This is a "just because" picture just because I haven't posted any sheep pictures in awhile. The ewes are all getting back into super condition which makes me happy since they are literally only getting a hand full of feed each to just keep them coming. The remaining 4 lambs that are still nursing (or trying to) will get pulled so their dams can get a break. Their is one 9 week old ram lamb still in the main herd and he definitely gets pulled this week. There have been so many small things needing done that we had to start a 'to-do' list to get the priority things finished and not so many almost done things hanging.

The other picture is on the corner down from our home in South Carolina which is a fairly common scene in and around Charleston. The gator is at the top of the picture. We had a 140 acre lake at the rear of our subdivision that had some really big gators. We had very few neighbors that let dogs or cats run loose or they often didn't come home.
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Is there any way to get the gators removed? I would be a little uneasy having something like that in my pond or lake that could hurt someone or someones pet.
Beautiful property. Your sheep look great.