Hens and Roos
Herd Master
bummer about your peaches, we tried planting a peach tree but it only survived a year or so.
You can't just cut out one small part and use the rest?There's still about a bushel to be picked but they will be picked and thrown out. We started processing them to can them and every single peach had a small worm on the inside next to the seed.
Make sure Teresa doesn't accidentally collect those eggs for you to cook. We don't want a repeat episode of your egg incident.We have two of the Barred Rocks sharing a single nest but no idea how many eggs they are sitting on. One or both of them kept stealing eggs to sit on so a couple of weeks ago we decided to go ahead and let them sit.
Make sure Teresa doesn't accidentally collect those eggs for you to cook. We don't want a repeat episode of your egg incident.
Are you back to eating eggs yet? Just curious.