Teresa & Mike CHS - Our journal


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
We are bush hogging also and we set the bush hog as high as it will go. Want to get the seed heads and the tall crummy weeds that always grow fast and allow more light to get to the grasses. Plus don't want to get too close to the ground or mow too short, so there is still some shade for the plant roots, and so it doesn't burn them up. The shredded up stuff will act as some "mulch" for the ground but won't be too thick and will add organic matter back into the soil. If you mow it real short, and don't get any rain, it'll just burn up the plants and kill the grass. We don't seem to be able to get to the pastures as soon as we want to get the weeds before they set seed though; usually still in the hay fields for first cutting.

On another note, had to get a new "back wheel" for the bush hog ...now realize we have big equipment for the bigger places to not take forever to do the mowing... it's a 15' batwing bush hog ... So I went and picked one up at a dealer about 20 miles away. Took it to my son and with tools we got the old rim off and the new one on. He looked up and saw 2 real good sized bucks going up through the pasture...about a 6+ pointer and the other at least an 8 or 10 point buck.
We were just talking a few minutes, and I turned around and saw another cow come up out of a swale that is several feet lower than the ground near the fence line and trees ... only to realize it wasn't another cow... I said OH MY GOD, Michael, look at that. He thought it was a big buck until I said, "HOLY S@#T it's a BEAR" .... and there goes a real good sized BLACK BEAR just trotting across the field. The cows were looking at it but not overly upset and a couple of calves were trotting after it with their tails and heads up like they wanted to play with it. We figure it was 250 lbs or so. Definitely not a cub or last years cub.

This is at 11 a.m. in the middle of the day!!!!!
Last year he saw a smaller black bear trying to roll around one of the rolls of hay when he went to go move them off the field and had to drive up near it and yell at it to leave the roll of hay alone. It acted like he was interrupting his (the bears) playtime!!! And it did totally tear one roll apart in the next couple of days before he got them all moved. Bet it is the same bear "all grown up" this year.

I was too shocked to even think about a picture, but then realized after that my camera was in the car and I had brought his truck with the tools he needed. He could have taken a pic with his phone, but we never thought of it.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
mowers and deer and bear, OH MY! I love seeing wildlife and I'd have been pretty danged excited too at the sight of a bear as well as a couple of nice bucks. They must be pretty hungry to be out and about mid day...


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
The deer have been out EVERYWHERE here in the middle of the day. Does with fawns, groups of just does, seen lots of young bucks in velvet. There are so many. I don't think it is hunger as there is grass and browse galore to eat. We have really got more than enough grass and all in the pastures. The deer don't seem to be in any hurry, don't seem to mind all the human activity. General consensus is there are just so many deer this year. Most all fawns are in "2's" as in twins....will see 3 or 4 does and 6 or more fawns in a group. The bear was quite "well fleshed" and the blackberry and wineberry crops have been very plentiful so far. Looks to be a lot of apples but peaches are a little scarce in places. With all the early rain I think we will have a pretty good nut crop on the oaks and such. I really think we just have a lot more animals that there are just that much more visible. The cows sure weren't upset so they are not feeling threatened.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
We have a lot of deer here and plenty of turkey! Big flocks of them.

You guys need rain??? Well I've gotten over 14" in the last 10-12 days and I am kinda over it. Some very heavy of late. With scattered showers on the "off" days. Grass stays wet...mow close? how about not at all? Dairy goats are not impressed with water to walk through and tall grass that is WET. I would sure share.

So, some great looking lambs you have there, Mike. I'd sure buy one -- even without the "jeans" :lol: A cute bandana would do.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
I have mowed all of our paddocks but I'm just knocking off the grasses that are seeding that I don't want. About 8" high. It doesn't seem to matter what they have available they eat the low vegetation.
My 2 alpacas are the same. They'll graze on the same places that are short with a little new stuff growing rather than the taller stuff, even when the taller stuff is only 5 or 6".

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
We opened up a paddock that we had been holding in reserve in case it did stay dry for an extended period and we are starting another rotation on that one. We built a couple of mineral/salt feeders and attached them to gates so they can serve more than one paddock.

I had planted a couple of trees in that one plus there is a decent size tree already there that the sheep rubbing was going to girdle it. We went out and built fences around them to keep them off of the trees but can still take advantage of the shade.

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
I guess you need "Sheep scrapers" attached to the tree trunks. Kinda like the nubby things they make to stick on a wall corner for cats.

We had big protective tubes around them but they have outgrown them. Besides that, the tubes seemed to be a fahr ant magnet for them to build their nests.

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
Going through some pictures and came across a good "Just Because" one of my babies.

Sassy pretty eyes.jpg