NH they would still be a couple of hrs away from the fires...it is south of Cookeville....and it is about 100 miles or so from Knoxville and the fires are east of Knoxville...I went to Tenn Tech is how I know....sorry Mike for 'Buttin In' ......I am WRONG!!.....my memory has Failed me again....you are Right Maryville is South of Knoxville....so Sorry for my ineptness....please Forgive me....
Well Mike I lived in the Memphis vacinity for 30yrs...the longest of any place so far...so, yeh guess those 'Roots' come out and Show from time to time...
They do have them but they haven't had one in our area in something like 20 years. We did get lot of wind and a whole bunch of welcome rain last night. I got up early expecting lambs but not yet.