The crew came in on Thursday morning early and finished up on Friday morning. We messed up on the concrete so I will have to do some jury rigging to get a good seal on the front section. We were supposed to have a small step up on the front section for sealing the siding but didn't realize it. Bad communication between us and the building crew. Caulk will take care of it but it's one of the small things that seem major at the time.
We still need to bring in some gravel to bring everything up to grade but the hard part is over for this one and we will use a U-Haul the next trip to start getting my shop tools in place. The next major project is to figure out the rest of the fencing and get that finished but that comes after we fill in the settling beside the driveway from trenching for the water lines. I'll "officially" retire in March so I can probably come up with ways to fill in my time.
The patio roof looks rusted but it is just mud. Everything sat around so long in the weather that mud covered just about everything.
Thanks - I am looking forward to be able to do some wood working and have plenty of room to do so.
My garage work shop is so crowded that In order to use my table saw I have to pull out the lawn mower and move my lathe out into the driveway. My truck bed is used to break down anything over 6 feet.
Oh my gosh! I am so happy for you!
Absolute barn envy here.
So glad you put this thread up it really is so great to see all the steps and the amazing progress. Thanks for letting all of us be a part of the journey. So cool!