Teresa & Mike CHS - Our journal


Herd Master
May 22, 2014
Reaction score
so you are afraid of a little puffy chicken?? put on your big boy panties, poke that hand under there and take your hen pecking like a man. :gig I am always way to curious to wait for them to get off the nest so I gotta look. do I get pecked, you betcha but I look anyway.
your sheeple look great as always and your garden looks wonderful too. I've been munching on sugar snap peas too, love them straight of the vine.
I do have some serious barn/shed/working pen envy. just so's ya know.

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
so you are afraid of a little puffy chicken?? put on your big boy panties, poke that hand under there and take your hen pecking like a man. :gig I am always way to curious to wait for them to get off the nest so I gotta look. do I get pecked, you betcha but I look anyway.
your sheeple look great as always and your garden looks wonderful too. I've been munching on sugar snap peas too, love them straight of the vine.
I do have some serious barn/shed/working pen envy. just so's ya know.

I had to go back and see when I posted about putting eggs under the hen. Teresa didn't write it down till a couple of days later but she thought she had did it a couple of days earlier so they aren't due for another day or two.

We had originally had some different and cheaper ideas about how to add some shade at the shop but since we had spent so much time, labor and $ giving our place a professional 'look', we decided to bite the bullet and do it the best way rather than the cheapest.

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
We called the 15 lambs into the chute so we could orally worm those that had a high egg count in the fecals we just did. We have one ewe lamb that is looking really "off" and we gave her injections of Dectomax and Iron (the iron is off label for sheep). They all got a drench of B12 and Nutridrench. This group of lambs have only been off their dams for a little over a week but the two bottle lambs have trained them to come when called. As soon as Princess and Taffy see us at the shop they come running and sheep being sheep, they all follow into the stall and right into the chute. It only took about 45 minutes to do all of the 15 and nobody was hot or stressed out, including us. We discovered another benefit for the new roof. Now that we don't have to worry about rain coming in the windows since the extended roof keeps it out, we can leave the windows open all of the time. We keep our canned goods stored there and have less of an issue of keeping the shop a bit cooler. :)

Tomorrow the paddock the lambs are in gets a spray of Nitrogen and then we will run fecals again on the ones with the highest count in about two weeks to see what the counts are then.