She is using ear drops and has some medication that has eased the sharp pain. She just has the annoying blockage now but it does seem to be getting better. And Thank You for asking.
We are rotating both groups of sheep today so I can worm the lamb that decided she wasn't going to be touched and then we will move both groups to a fresh paddock so we can let the cows and the ram follow up the sheep. I'm hoping to be able to separate the ram lambs in the next week or so along with two wethers. The ram we named Percy is getting huge but so far is showing no signs of any aggressive ram like behavior. I may change his name to Ringo2 since he acts just like his sire and his dame is one of the registered ewes that will walk up to me and raise her head up high. She will just stare at me until I make eye contact then she will lay her head against me for petting.
I had Lance waiting in the field in case any of the sheep decided not to cooperate but the move only involved opening gates and calling them. I went ahead and took him in to work the lambs for a few minutes just to keep his confidence up. He got to the point that not giving him time with the sheep was causing him to be more aggressive than normal so I make sure he gets a little time on the sheep every time I take him out.
We just finished working the big group of sheep in the chute. Since we had to bring the whole herd in to worm the one lamb, we went ahead and worked them all through the chute so we could pull fecals on seven of the ewes that aren't getting back into as good condition as the rest. I have had to stop feeding the whole herd since so many of them are getting fat and we want to put the ram in with them next month. Summer breedings are iffy anyway and their being fat won't help any. I'm still smiling at working under cover even though it's 90 degrees.
Running them all through the work area even though only a few really needed to be there probably gets them more used to it and for many, no discomfort!
They don't mind going in but they always get rewarded too. Accept for a couple of them, I can open the first gate on the chute and they will start filing in.