Teresa & Mike CHS - Our journal

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
Teresa got back home yesterday and was glad to be home. We were going to work the sheep today but since it has been raining all day we ran into Franklin for a Costco run. We only got dog food and a half dozen other items but judging by the loads some people were hauling out of there, the media panic campaign is working. That store is always fairly busy but the majority were pushing multiple carts around. I realize many are business but most of the carts had stacks of the items the news has been saying to stock up on.

The dogs were active last night and they have been sleeping most of the day. Maisy was alseep in the shop stall when we left and when we got back a couple of hours later, the only thing that had changed was she was surrounded by lambs but in the same spot.

Maisy in shelter 10 Mar 2020.JPG

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
We brought the herd into the chute and gave shots to the 10 lambs that didn't get it last time and we wormed several. We have two that aren't getting back into condition even though we have been giving supplemental alfalfa and feed so they not only got a drench, we also gave an injection of Dectomax which has always seemed to work (that is off-label for sheep). They both got an injection of iron and vitamin.

Our meat processor called and said he would like to buy several of our ewes along with their lambs so we need to do some more talking about price.

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
The sheep are happy now that the grass is growing and we are able to start rotating. We will be taking about a dozen ram lambs to the sale in two weeks. Maisy and Mel both act like a couple of pups whenever I open up a paddock. Mel is still evolving as a guardian. Both of the dogs will still alert by running to the fences but in the last few weeks, Mel has been hanging back closer to the sheep unless there is a vehicle coming down the drive since neither of them hang back as they both head toward the house no matter where they are in the field.

That hill in the background is one of the favorite spots for the neighbors young ones during the few times that we get snow.

Sheep south paddock 12 Mar 2020.JPG
Sheep south paddock2 12 Mar 2020.JPG

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
I love looking at our hills but when you walk up and down them for most of the day, it wears you out. When I checked voltage in several places yesterday, I was finding it down under 1000 volts on the 75 mile fence charger. and at two gates, I was not seeing any voltage at all so the wire down stream of those gates were not hot.

We already have plenty of parts so we went around and started replacing insulators that were showing wear and replaced the hardware over the two gates that weren't hot. It took right at four hours but by the time we were finished, the voltage was back over 9000 volts.

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
Early this morning Maisy and Mel were raising a ruckus in the far paddock. It wasn't full day light yet so I couldn't see what was going on. I went and got the binoculars and saw they were tag teaming something that was about the size of the lambs. I freaked out and got my shoes on then took off around the lane in the Ranger. When I got near to where they were and I was relieved to see that they were in the process of finishing off an Armadillo and not a lamb.