Teresa & Mike CHS - Our journal


Herd Master
May 7, 2013
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We always use a long lead while training and it takes a long time but if you think she has a handle on it, it might be worth a trial.. The long lead prevents a lot of retraining. :) I'll be happy to help with more info if you want.
I appreciate that!

English Shepherds like "order." She knows where each animal belongs. One day a pig walked out a gate right behind me...I never even saw it get out - but Gracie saw it. I opened the gate and asked her to bring that pig home. That's all she needed....that pig was back where it belonged in a blink of an eye.

She's doesn't get a lot of practice because my goats are like your sheep - they follow me anywhere.

I've wondered for awhile now if I'm doing her a disservice. She's so naturally good that I wonder how she would do with someone who actually knows how to direct her?

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
Lance has the pedigree to possibly be way up there in the trial world but we don't have the time it takes to be in that world. I make sure he is happy even if it is just throwing a ball. :) I do make sure he gets some time on sheep but he seems happy to just stare at them when we put them out in our training pen which is adjacent to our sheep paddocks.

This gent is no longer with us unfortunately but his videos are what I first used training our dogs. He gets long winded at times but I attribute that to him getting older, not that I can relate to that. :) There is a whole series of videos that his daughter put up when a book publisher wouldn't pay him for his work. We also had an active training farm that we used to solidify our dogs and they are friends for life. If nothing else, I like watching his videos.

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Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
We dropped Netflix about 6 months ago since we rarely saw any new programming then we get an email today telling us that one of our favorite Netflix originals had another season available. The series is called The Last Kingdom and takes place during Old England during King Edwards time based on the books written by Bernard Cromwell.

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
We received a bizarre UPS package this afternoon. We had ordered two bags of Diamond dog food from TSC since it was showing ad available online and shipped to home vs not available in the store. ??? The box was sloppy but sealed and too big to get out of the side door so we opened it in the truck. There was also several items with the Kirkland name which is Costcos. A large container of olive oi, same of canola oil, some grape juice and a couple of other things with labels that were faded so bad you couldn't tell what they were. We told the UPS we would haul it off since we sure were not going to use it. He couldn't explain how they all got in the same box.

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