We have seen that our main chicken predator is a raccoon but it is proving hard to catch. We watched it on camera and thought that it had been caught before based on the way it was going after the bait without going inside. We found out that our neighbor had caught one in a trap and let it loose because he had to go to work.. We will keep after it but we have caught two possums in the last three days. I guess if you live in the woods, you live in the woods.
Hope ya told the neighbor to just drop em off as he goes by and ya will take care of it for him.........glad ya got the possums....does your camera "time stamp" the pics?....just wondering about a pattern of showing up about the same time.....
Teresa got an alert about 4:00 this morning and saw the video of the raccoon in the trap. We went out this morning to take care of it and it was not in the trap. There was video of it going through all kinds of contortions trying to get out but the viedo stopped so we couldn't see how it raised the door.
That is one crafty raccoon. Their paws are just like human hands, they can get into and out of anything. I bet you have a hard time trapping him again, but just in case, RUSH out there and shoot him.
Teresa has her alarm set for the camera on her phone so I will go out next time (if there is a next time). Teresa called our neighbor and asked him if his son would be interested in getting paid to spend a night still hunting our chicken yard.
One of the toughest coons that I have gotten was denning in a hollow of a huge oak tree and using the "limb highway" to get to other areas....I got it just after dark coming out of the den....