Teresa & Mike CHS - Our journal


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Mike I hope your house sells in a timely manner. We bought our place September of 2015 and moved in February of 2016. We sold our house on a handshake deal, no contract, no earnest money, just a handshake. We have enjoyed our new home so much, lots of work to do, fence to build. We have made a lot of progress since February and feel like we are on the home stretch. Barn poles are going up tomorrow! A screened porch is being built across the front of the house. I totally get where you are coming from on the $$ burn rate!! I hope you enjoy your place as much as we are enjoying ours!

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
We were at our place from Wednesday last week until heading back Sunday morning. I couldn't believe the temps all week long. Days were mild 70's and the nights were high 50's to lower 60's. We spent most of the time going back through the house and finishing things in rooms that were "done" but still needed the fine details worked out. We bought a new washing machine last month that arrived DOA and had the new one delivered last week. The COOP man came out and took a soil sample and the power company set up stakes for the new power pole and meter.

Some will notice that I used both a mix of 16" and 24" spacing for the framing but there is a reason for that. I didn't post pictures of everything that got done since it's more of the same but I got the one 32' end wall framed, insulated and OSB put up and one 10' section that I'll use for my vertical lumber storage so those were just 24" on center. The pics are more for my record so I don't have to remember which wall used 16" and which used 24" on center. The 16" spacing is where I stack lumber that I don't use as often on Portamate racks I got from Woodcraft several years ago. I got to try out my new Hitachi framing nail gun which made things go faster.

Framing 1 NW & N Corner 24Inches OC 2015-12-11_648.jpg

Framing 1NNW corner 16Inches on center 2015-12-12_11-55-31_544.jpg

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
The temperature changed so drastically on Thursday that the concrete had standing water in it. The building is sealed up pretty good for a barn and the temp inside only got up into the lower 50's while the outside temp got up to 80. I see a dehumidifier in our future.

My bride and I both exhibit some mild to medium OCD traits and fortunately for us they are just shown in different ways. We usually don't comment since we acknowledge how we are but she had all she could do to keep from laughing when we were hanging the OSB panels. We had set 4 of the panels in place for nailing them up when I noticed they were upside down and set them all right side up. She was just looking at me wondering what I was doing and she finally asked me what I was doing.

I said the writing on the panels are upside down (even though they will get painted) and to keep from hurting my feelings she just said ok. About 1/2 a minute later she couldn't hold it back any longer and just said "I LOVE YOU" as she started laughing. :lol::hugs

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
Awww that is sweet. I am a recovered OCDer. It is a daily battle but didn't want it affecting my kids. I have to remind myself of that everyday. It is pretty great to have people that get it! My kids are great about it and they lovingly tease me... I can laugh along with them. They sent me this video last week....

funniest part is the candy the wardrobe and the pictures- well the whole thing really...


Milo & Me Hoppy Tail Acres
Mar 29, 2015
Reaction score
somewhere in the Northern region of Minnesota
That video was priceless! I have had to work on mine a lot! It used to be 3 times with a light switch or handle then lock it. Food couldn't touch at all and so on. It is much better lol. But goats helped make that happen. I still have moments... I think most people do though.

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
That video cracked me up but I thought the guy was perfectly normal. :thumbsup

I had to pass that on to a few people. I'm not nearly as bad as many that I know. I was in ATC in my Navy life and I had a young lady working for me many years ago who would even vector aircraft slightly off course to make her spacing look more even although she already had adequate spacing. She would even group aircraft in sectors in all even numbers but she was good enough at it that nobody ever said anything. Occasionally a pilot would ask why they were veing vectored off course though. :)