What breeds do they have at the hatchery? I've not gotten Orpingtons as I believe they very much tend to go broody. Since we have no eggs to hatch, broodiness is a "con" for us. They are very cold hearty so I guess you'll need to make sure you have a way to cool them off in the summer.
They have most of the common breeds and even some rare breeds that we aren't really interested. They put out an inventory sheet every week that you can check before going to see what is available. They have quite a few that are 3 & even 4 months old but we haven't asked about the price on those.
Do they typically intentionally raise "started pullets" for sale or are these leftovers? If the latter and a breed you want, they might be a good price; worth considering picking up a few, eggs in a couple of months
I'm not sure of the circumstances but folks that recommended them seem to be happy with what they have. We may take a run there just to see what they have.
We had a source down around the Alabama but that is where the recent cases of bird flu originated so we will avoid that part of the state.
We are getting a few White Orpingtons this year. Broody is good for me! I haven't heard anything negative about Orpingtons, in fact I've heard they're excellent dual purpose birds.
Was the AI found anywhere other than one Tyson plant? Not good...