Herd Master
I post about all our rain but it is never griping.I'm just wondering if the morning spent spraying the grass in the driveway was wasted.
Did @Beekissed ever say how much they spent on the sheep they got. I looked back over the thread we were posting in but didn't want to hijack it anymore than we already had. I'm not being nosey but there are some surprises in the cost of some real nice commercial ewes. I was going to send a PM but this topic might help a few more people.
Mike, I paid $125 ea. for those sheep. I know, I get what you paid for, but I'm hoping to breed up a little with a good ram lamb I'm getting from another flock. Or, if it produces nothing I really think worthy of keeping, I'll sell those girls and use the money to buy one good ewe and start over.