Teresa & Mike CHS - Our journal

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
I opened the gates and let the sheep come into the nursery paddock while Teresa will be gone. She is going to Missouri tomorrow for a week but I have healed enough to take care of most things. If something comes up that I can't deal with, we have some super neighbors.

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
We got an inch of rain yesterday so that put a dent in the severe drought. I was looking at the drought map a couple of days ago for Tennessee. Almost all of the state is in drought but there is one little section that is in a severe drought state and that just happens to be us.

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
I have a pile of brush and small trees stacked up by our catch pond that won't get burned until we get a whole lot more rain. Our neighbor above us had the hill cleared of all trees back during the first year that we lived here. The hill they are on is at least a 20 degree incline and the rain runs down a ditch beside the driveway and then under our driveway to the little catch pond. Before they cleared the trees, we had a small ditch about 3" wide and a couple of inches deep. After they cleared the hill that ditch turned into a real ditch and became 3' wide by over 4' deep and ran about 60' to the little pond.

The problem we had to get fixed last week is that the water lines for us and two of our neighbors were installed across where this ditch now is and the water lines became exposed during the last spell of stormy weather we had. The three of us always share cost when it involves each of us. When we got connected to the commercial water company we had documents drawn up to give an easement to both of the other families and that lead to the cost sharing agreement. Our neighbor that actually did the fix used a couple of loads of flat stone sized to fit in the ditch and heavy enough that they aren't going anywhere. That stone would have cost over $1,000 if we had to buy it but he had it on a building site that he owns and it had no use to him now so he threw that in. There also had to bring in a load of smaller stone to fit around the flat stones. That would have been another $800 but a friend of his had a load that had been left over from other projects years ago so that was also thrown in.

The only $ that changed hands was $2,000 that he asked for from us and half of that will be covered by the third neighbor.