terrible for milking again this year


True BYH Addict
Jan 7, 2011
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lovinglife said:
I had issues with my ff nubian, but she was scared, and laying down. I finally just got tired of fighting with her and hooked her to the fence outside, sit on my but and milk her. At first she still tried to pull back and jump around, I just got on my knees and leaned into her and continued on, no slapping, yelling or temper. After about a week she just up and stopped all the bad behavior and now she is a dream to milk. I use a pint jar to milk into, I hold it up close and she couldn't get it out of my hand so I could get her milked out. Just don't stop milking until you are sure you got it all, I think she will get tired of fighting. Make sure she does not have a sore teat or anything to cause the kicking. My doe started moving a little and I noticed they were really dry and wanting to crack a little, so I got a moisturizer and that fixed that. Just my uneducated opinion, hope maybe it can help in some way.
this is what I do to milk a boer goat if I need emergency milk .they never cooperate, so i tie them to the fence and lean into them and ignore the tantrum. I use a large coffee mug and squirt the milk into it while I am holding the coffee mug, that way if she is kicking too much I can move it out of the way easier.


Herd Master
Dec 19, 2009
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North Central Texas
Last fall I had a ff that was difficult on the milking stand. First off she outweighs me, didn't like walking on a lead, and sure as heck didn't want anything touching her teats.

So I put a halter on her, clipped a lead to both sides of her head and walked, and shoved, behind her in the general direction of the milking stand. Did this for all the winter, and now I use just one lead.

She still wants to be out front on a lead and balks if I lead. Sheesh!

Once on the stand we battled it out for a few days then I decided to sing to her to distract her from what I was doing... washing her udder. She now has her own washing song. "5, 6, 7, 8 wiggle, wiggle, stomp-a-stomp stomp, wiggle wiggle, stomp, other side 1, 2, 3, 4 stomp stomp wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, stomp and we are done" By that time she is nose deep in the chow and could care less what I was doing.

My dear man laughs at me for singing to the milkers, but it seems to help. Fortunately I can carry milk in a bucket, but unfortunately not a tune. HA!


Loving the herd life
Aug 24, 2010
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HA HA! I love it! Singing to your goat!! I just love my little milk goat Lavern, she has become such a sweetie, I would never have thought she would when we first started. She calls me now everymorning, what do I say??? I'm coming sweatheart!! She stops calling and just watches me come to milk her. So awesome!

Don't give up on your milker, just do what everyone says, no nonsense, dig in and get er done! It will get better.