Terrible happenings


Herd Master
Jan 13, 2010
Reaction score
Southern Washington State
I was in Lowes. I'm studying the string trimmer spools - diff thicknesss and lengths. Looking for something particular. Behind me, a dude was crawling behind a locked wire cage, struggling with the generators. He finally hefted one out, backed out of the space. I looked and him and say "you OK? Climbing back there?". I remember exactly what he looked like (still do) cus of my concern. He loaded up the generator into his cart and walked off.

I'm in line at the garden center, and there he is! He walks by with TWO generators in his cart. He waved a crumpled up receipt. Coulda been anyone's receipt. Could be an old receipt. (I have several in my wallet right now). My alarm bells go off. I dumped the string trimmer string, and carefully followed him. Got out my phone and pretended to look at it while walking the parking lot. I see him look around, as he saunters to his Toyota TRO pickup. He slings the boxes into the back. By this time, I"m hiding behind a lifted truck, taking photos. I get a good one of his face and his license plate. Then I walk round the parking lot a tiny bit and wander back into the garden center exit/entrance.

I cannot for the life of me find the service center. My heart is beating fast. I race down to the Pro desk, where we usually check out, which is a the very opposite end of the store. There is my fav checker, Barbi. She smiled and then saw my face. I told her what I witnessed. By that time my hands are shaking. She immediately calls the head checker who walks down to us. She new exactly who the guy was, cus he's in that store alot! Yes, he indeed did pay for the generators, but he's there so many times buying hi value things, she knows he's got a scam going on. She was pleased to write down the license plate. I hugged Barbi, got myself calmed down, went back to the string trimmer isle, and proceeded to buy the WRONG DAMN thickness. I had to return it later in the day and buy the right stuff.

Note; Barbi is always at the pro desk checkout. When we heard that we have the same name, we became friends. She's a recovering addict. Been clean for 8 years. She buys jewelry at the pawn shop for herself every one year anniversary. I've admired her emerald ring, an opal ring and more. It is soooo nice to be friendly to a checker. Most of them don't give a crap whether you are there or not.

p.s. I was thinkin' that maybe that dude buys the stuff using a stolen credit card and then resells all of it for cash. I dunno. But Lowes knew him and were also trying to figure it out.

pps. Hubs was in that same Lowes and a dude when flying out the roll up door (that was open) with two very large boxes in his cart. Checkers were yelling at him to stop, but they are not allowed to confront. Everyone was upset and nobody got pics cus it happened so fast.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
San Francisco should be a cautionary tale to the liberals that their lax attitude to crime and criminals is wrong. When I hear some liberals excusing the theft and crime by saying that it is "understandable since it their way of taking back what is owed to them due to social injustices" it makes me insane. Now Governor Gruesom has decided to pay "reparations" to the blacks for slavery. California was never a slave state so why are the Californian taxpayers supposed to pay any "reparations"? Let alone 1.2 million dollars per person?

Not to mention the Democrats' crackpot deal that people that have bad credit and no way of paying for mortgage should be entitled to buy homes. To avoid the same problem of repo and property value losses anyone with good credit that buys a home must pay an additional $50-60 dollars per month to help out the ones with bad credit to protect the lenders in case the bad credit buyers default!!!

:ep :rant :barnie What is happening here?! Let's reinforce bad behavior not good!


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
San Francisco should be a cautionary tale to the liberals that their lax attitude to crime and criminals is wrong. When I hear some liberals excusing the theft and crime by saying that it is "understandable since it their way of taking back what is owed to them due to social injustices" it makes me insane. Now Governor Gruesom has decided to pay "reparations" to the blacks for slavery. California was never a slave state so why are the Californian taxpayers supposed to pay any "reparations"? Let alone 1.2 million dollars per person?

Not to mention the Democrats' crackpot deal that people that have bad credit and no way of paying for mortgage should be entitled to buy homes. To avoid the same problem of repo and property value losses anyone with good credit that buys a home must pay an additional $50-60 dollars per month to help out the ones with bad credit to protect the lenders in case the bad credit buyers default!!!

:ep :rant :barnie What is happening here?! Let's reinforce bad behavior not good!
Very simple - Gov G is buying votes.