Well, I mean, they shouldn't be doing that while lunging...lol, but yeah, it's just play. Taller one is older and rather not play, but pesky younger brothers tend to nag and be a pain...
This morning, I snuck a line over her to catch her. Then tried to lunge on the line in the pen. She did what she did before, moving herself so I couldn't drive her forward, several times. So, a little pop on the butt to directly tell her to move that-a-way and off she went. The tricky hussy...She later had a couple seconds where she confused herself and wanted to go in all 6 directions at once, but then she took a moment to think and followed the direction of my arm. Whoo! No further issues. Didn't bother with controlling speed or doing turns yet.
Later in the day, I setup the camera, but Phoenix was messing with the stuff on the fence, so camera flopped down. =/
Had to sneak a rope again to catch her, but did start reintroducing it with treats, before and as I'm taking it off.
After yielding bum to crop taps, we lunged at a walk with the long lines, did fine. They're annoyingly long when ground driving, though. Just walked while ground driving.
She's a head tosser. Maybe why she's got a mark across her nose, from a tiedown strapped to her face she constantly fought? Speculation, of course. She can't just tell me, but that just means I'll have to be more careful with her face.
Stick to the wall. Why, also, how?
Walk a straight line. Can do.
Now to turn. Sure.
Time to stop. *head toss* What, why?
Time to back up. *head toss* C'mon, why?
We did get the backing w/o any head tossing to end the day on.
Adding some holes will probably make it a better fitting halter and should help some, too.
Can't say I know much about training horses but it seems to me that she is coming along pretty quickly. Might be she already knows some of what you want and needs to decide if she wants to let you to tell her what to do or not.