You have made Ben the dog he is by letting who and what he is open up and bloom under your care and supervision. The two of you are partners in every sense of the word. Good dog, Ben. Bee, your wisdom is an inspiration to us all.
You guys are so sweet! I don't know how much I had to do with Ben's status...he seemed to arrive here with a lot of potential, more than his breeding would have had me expect. I think if I were to work with him over the years he could most likely be trained for about anything, he's that smart.
Talked to a fella on FB who has a pack of Anatolians and he's pretty crippled up but he still homesteads. Said he has taught the leader of his pack to help him up when he falls down and also to steady him as he walks short distances...said he was training him to be an assist dog. As close as Ben walks to my legs when we go for walks, I'm guessing it wouldn't be too hard to train him on that as well...he's very much in tune with how slow or fast the person walking next to him is, especially if he's wearing a leash. He slows way down for Mom and Aliza and you can tell he's watching them to see how fast he should go.
I'd like to train him on a recreational harness and see if he likes to pull. Some dogs do, some don't...if he does, I may give him some light pulling to do this winter and maybe teach him to pull Aliza on a sled. Jake loves to pull and I've hooked his leash to my cart and let him help me pull it before...he seems to know when to pull and when to stop instinctively.
These dogs seem to love to help me work, no matter what kind of work I'm these pics Ben is holding down plastic and tarps for me as I work on the coop. Good thing he was a windy day...though I had a hard time making him get off the tarp..every time I'd get him off and start to move it, he'd walk right back on it and stand solid,bringing me to an abrupt stop. Guess he took that job too seriously.
I love this Bee! We are working with Not Leo as therapy but hope to work it so he can be an actual registered light duty service dog too.
All our dogs help us up off the ground, they are naturals. They just "know" I am old I guess and it is hard to get up with my knees. They stand and when I grab on they brace. It is amazing how many pyrs and Tolis are therapy and light service dogs.
That would be wonderful to train Be, if he is inclined, to pull. I have considered this but the goats are a pain whenever we have a cart or wheel barrow out they jump in... and out... and in.... and out.
Bee you would shake your head if you saw Badger (indoor retired LGD). My Dh has ruined him. Badge can't get away with stuff with me but my dh... ugh... so ridiculous.
Badger has temper tantrums and he will look at me, like an undisciplined ill mannered 3 year old that has been able to get away with everything with one parent... yeah that's Badger. I actually get a lot of amusement out of it and he never does anything really bad. I am just happy my Dh has "his" dog after all these years and all the dogs I have owned. It is good for Dh. Badge loves him.
I keep trying to get his antics on video but my children always have my phone.
Yeah, don't you just love it when they "help" you? I was clipping T-posts a few weeks ago and Trip "helped" me by closely supervising everything. Mind you, he is between me and the T-post, "helping".
I feel like Ben's got brothers out there!!! So many similarities in these breeds...these dogs are thinkers and lovers, very considerate but also ornery at times, getting up to things. Bay, that even looks like Ben's fur in that pic!
When I was working up at the coop I caught Ben making off with something out of my wagon...sneaking off with it. Told him to drop it and he did...then strolled over and laid down like nothing had happened.
Southern, I love it that your hubs has his own dog and the dog knows it! Hey, you still have that extra dog your son wanted you to keep for a bit?
I am happy DH has his "own" dog. It is ridiculous though how Badge will give this look- like he thinks I'm jealous and he does this "yeah, daddy loves me" thing.
My son closed on his house and so my "grand-puppy" is no longer here. She did visit the other day though.
I have "Rita" to raise now.
You know- you make ONE little comment like "I would snatch that pup up in a minute" and next thing ya know you have a pup flying cross country.
ALL @babsbag and @frustratedearthmother 's fault!