Herd Master
Right with you. Started with 3 does 4 years ago and I'm up to 26 counting kids. Fortunately, a couple are getting ready to leave Friday. Going to get serious about selling 4 others too. Ideally, I'd like to get down to about 15.babsbag said:My goats do fine. The 2 bucks have a pen that is about 30x75 with a lot of oak trees to lounge under, but nothing they can reach or eat anymore. I have someone come in and clean the sleeping/eating area once year and just spread it out in the field.xa.logan said:Do the 21 goats ever seem to get crowded on your acre? I was thinking about buying two and keeping them in a pen but now my options are more open.
Do you notice it to be quite a chore keeping thing cleaned? I mean.. I know cleaning up is always a hassle but it's never too much to handle.
Where would be a good place to look if you're trying to find a particular breed. Right now, I've been looking at Craigslist but they're all boers and Nubians.
I have 10 does and 3 kids on my biggest pasture and that one is about 100x200 and I have the most goats in the smallest pen right now since everyone kidded. I have 6 does and 10 kids in a pen that is about 50x50 and even they aren't overly crowded, but I will move them around as they get older. I want the ones I milk separate so they are easier to catch
As far as cleaning, it isn't too bad. The only part of the pens that get really bad is where they eat and that is because the hay that they drop builds up. I also put out a lot of straw in the winter for them to sleep on so that gets deep too. I get my tractor in there 2x a year and haul out those areas. I actually spread it out in the rest of the pasture and the chickens have their way with it. Our soil is garbage so I am hoping that eventually all of the hay/straw/manure that I spread on the ground will allow me to grow some pasture. In my little pen I have individual kidding pens set up and those get shoveled out and cleaned before each doe kids and then again during the first 2 weeks. After that the does and thier kids get put into the general population.
I don't have a barn to worry about cleaning other than the one I milk in and they are only in there when I milk. The areas that they sleep and eat in are open air with covers and then tarps in the winter to block the wind.
Here are a couple pictures of my pens, you can see that there is plenty of open space.
As far as where to find a particular breed I would check for goat clubs or 4H. I have access to any and every breed I would want through a dairy goat club and 4H.
Watch out, goats are an addiciton. I started with 3 does 5 years ago right now, counting kids I have 31. (shhh, don't tell DH)