The Goats have landed!


Overrun with beasties
Nov 19, 2015
Reaction score
Durham NC
We had lots of back and forth with a farmer who was very helpful with us finding just the "right" for us goats.... only after all that planning... God had different plans :/ Per the norm for my life LOL

So we were contacted by a family who had fallen on hard times and the goats were draining them. They sent the pictures and we were in the car the next morning! A 10x10 chainlink fence with a metal tin roof that had fallen in for cover from the rain and no visible water bowls or hay... she had to come home with us! If nothing else her last days on this earth were not going to end this way! Well, we are on day two and .. She and her 3 babies are coming around! We are so in love, giving them some space, but they are coming out and momma will take food from our hands! <3

Mom: Bella Pygmy
Babies: Biscuits (m) Blossom (f) Bleu (f)


  • Bleu and Hunter.jpg
    Bleu and Hunter.jpg
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  • Bella.jpg
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  • Blossom and Biscuits.jpg
    Blossom and Biscuits.jpg
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  • Bella and Kayla.jpg
    Bella and Kayla.jpg
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Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
Amazing how things happen, isn't it? :D Congrats to you and happy new year's start! The kids are beautiful (human ones included)! And so your adventure has begun! I hope it will be a good one! :thumbsup

Just a heads up that little male goats become capable to procreate at a VERY young age! Like any time after 12 weeks or so I believe... Soooo... you'll need to make plans pretty quickly as to what you intend to do with the male goat. Otherwise your goat math "problems" will multiply exponentially in 6-8 months! :hide

Goat Whisperer

Herd Master
Dec 19, 2013
Reaction score
North Carolina
Oh my goodness, they are cuties for sure! Congrats!

I know not having horns was a big deal for you, you may be able to get those kids disbudded if you contact a vet quickly. How old are they?

You will need to look at vaccinating them. Did the dam get a CDT 30 day before kidding?
Like @Latestarter said, you will need to make plans to wether or sell the buckling when he is 8-12 weeks.

You also should run a fecal on them. Most does have a parasite bloom at kidding time and at travel. This is something you would want to do ASAP- given the conditions she was in and the other stresses mentioned above. Depending on the kids age you will need to have fecals run them too. Coci is a huge killer in kids and most newbies aren't able to recognize it soon enough.

I would get that heat lamp out NOW! If the kids look chilled put dog coats on them (you can get them from walmart for less then $5 each). You would be shocked how many barns have burned down and how many goats have been lost due to heat lamps. Trust me on this. Many many goat owners have been devastated because they were trying to do their best.

Our temps aren't very cold right now, your goat house is pretty enclosed and if they continue to sleep under the shelf it will help trap body heat. Plus they are dam raised- meaning they can suckle down some warm milk more often- that is one of the best ways of keeping warm.

Be sure to hang any water buckets of higher so only the dam can reach, keep shallower bowls down for the kids.

Enjoy them! :celebrate:love
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Herd Master
Mar 26, 2013
Reaction score
NE Ohio
Oh wow - glad you were able to help those goats! Sounds like they are doing great for being day two.

x2 what latestarter said about the boy goat - and you'll probably want to get them vaccinated pretty soon, too - did they give you any health history? Do the kids have horns? How old is Bella?