The journey into the abyss of no return


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
I got a lot of backlash for trying to sell those dog houses on FB calling me cruel and inhumane, others exclaiming they are such a good dog owner cause their dog stays in the house with them like family for this weather.
Of course that’s FB and keyboard warriors. I’d think folks at auction may be interested. Totally different audience than FB.
Just because someone has a doghouse doesn’t mean they don’t let their dog in the house. LOL on FB call it a puppy play house and they’d like it.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Couple of things... having the rounded sides, loses some space for calves... they need to be able to stand up... hind end first, and they will not get as close to the sides if they feel that they do not have the "head space"... and not as many will go in because of the lack of "upper body space" for movement.

The sloped roof will allow for the shelter to be faced towards the sun... and will allow the sun to shine into the shelter further... it will reflect off the back and sides with the sloped roof.... it is the same idea as the solar panels that move to follow the sun... to get the most use... well, if the shelter faces the southern direction, the sun will get in there "deeper" and warm it more. The depth of most are designed for the sun to be able to reach into the back of the building during the winter due to the height of the winter sun, and the summer sun will be higher and the angle is such so it won't reach in so far to overheat the back inside.
That is the same principle of longer overhangs on roof's of houses... to shade the windows of the house from the summer sun and allow the winter sun to shine in ... many that will have slate or some sort of "rock" floor so it will passively absorb the heat that shines on it. This is due to the angle of the sun at different seasons.

Sloped roofs also allow for better air movement.... the warmer, moister, and more ammonia smells will flow up along the roofline and out...

I am not being critical.... just things that you may not think about because of not having worked with animals like that....

Animals like cattle do not like "deep" shelters as they will feel more trapped.... basically most calves need more "windbreak type protection" than they need deep covered protection; if that makes sense.

I have no doubt that your welding and metal fabrication is much better than using lumber.... and the heavier metal will stand up longer.

Can you combine the ideas and have a 3 ft straight up wall with the rounded top so it is 5-6-7 ft tall inside? That still allows for a roof that will shed the snow, protect against the wind, and give more inside usable space.

Like putting a rounded top on top of a "pony wall"....


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
You are MIXING the type B medicated feed at 1 lb PER 14.13 lbs regular feed that you are feeding... to CREATE type C feed... which is the EQUIVALENT of the 300 gr per ton.......SO you feed the type C feed that you made up... in a quantity less than a ton of feed.... at the rate of approx .9 lb per 100 lbs of pig...

In other words, you use the type B which is a CONCENTRATED mix.... 1 lb..... add it to 15 lbs regular hog feed... and then feed this mix (type C ) to your pigs at a rate of approx 1 lb per 100 lbs pig for 3-12 days consecutive...
So feed the pigs approx 1 pound of this mix per pig... so 20 pigs get a 5 gallon bucket not quite full (20-25 lbs per bucket) , per day for a week. Feed only that, say in the morning, then feed them some regular feed at say noontime, so they are not too hungry and try to get out.
Actually, I would feed them a bucket once a day of the feed with the wormer concentrate mixed in.... spread out so that they all can get into it at the same time... you want them to eat it and then they can have something more after they have all consumed some of the treated feed. Then go in and feed them some more if they are acting hungry... but not too late in the day, so they are hungry the next morning and will eat the treated feed.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
I have NO CLUE. Are the 2 drugs different? If that is the case, then feeding the "type B' mixed with regular feed is one wormer that targets certain type worms and "type C" is a different wormer and targets different worms? Maybe they are trying to say to feed Type B mixed with feed, and ADD in type C to feed both together? I would do one then the other ... type C says 1 feeding... type B says 3-12 days... I don't know....