The list game


Master of Sheep
Golden Herd Member
Jul 15, 2011
Reaction score
Frederick, Maryland
haha yeah I know with goats you can register/record crosses, but with (the large majority of) sheep registries you can only do 100% purebreds.

but five things in my ideal barn....hmmm...I was really spoiled using my neighbor's 3 barns (they're all connected) and I really LOVE them so I think that's mainly my ideal barn, though I would make some minor changes lol

1) well first things first...size! hmm I think 12-20 sq ft/hd plus 250+ sq ft for hay/feed/heavy equip storage.
2) catch pens, but with the gates open so they can use that to go in/out freely (my neighbor had one of the barns set up like this)
3) a chute with a stop for a scale and a stop for me to put them in a deck chair to trim feet and group pens at the beginning & end -- my neighbor had a chute in his barn, but it was built for cattle and we never used it for the sheep
4) water & electricity
5) an office with a fridge for medicine storage plus food for me (oh and I want a microwave), a bathroom (I always have to pee when I'm in the middle of doing my sheep things LOL), a cot (so I can spend the night of course), and a small dresser for supply storage (one drawer for lambing supplies, one drawer for breeding supplies, one drawer for wool supplies like hand shears/cards/etc, one drawer for health supplies like dewormers/drencher gun/syringes/needles/etc, one drawer for miscellaneous stuff, etc).

I'm out of ideas for lists, so make up your own :p

Straw Hat Kikos

The Kiko Cowboy
May 18, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
I'll just comment on yours. haha

First, that's interesting about the sheep. I had never really heard of Percentages but not even Purebreds? Only 100% Wow.

Size is a must. Any ideal barn would be huge!! lol
Yes, catch pens are a great idea. I would make them like chutes and 'stockyard' types. That way there are no gaps you can control them better.
A chute with a scale is a great idea.
Water and electricity goes without saying...
I would put a fridge in my storage room too for just that reason. A friend of mine has one in her barn and I love it.
I would have all the supplies I need in the storage room.

btw I was going to say something about a bed too. So I could sleep out there but used my better judgement and didn't say. I was also going to say a tv. But a nice one, like a 48" Plasma. Wouldn't want something too huge though. lol


Herd Master
Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
NW Indiana
Ideal Barn:
1. Bank type barn with 9' ceilings in the "basement"
2. Office/bathroom with shower
3. Sheep pens with chutes, scales, ect
4. Horse stalls (large and small)
5. Bunny area

Name 3 "DUMB" things you did when you first got your critters of choice....