TheFarmOfDreams- a long awaited adventure


Loving the herd life
Sep 17, 2021
Reaction score
Watertown, NY
It's been absolutely insane the last two months. I've barely had 5 minutes to sit down on any given day. I don't even know what is keeping us so busy, lol. Part of it is my sister and her family have moved in with us while we work on evicting the tenants in our apartments so they can move in. So there's 9 people in the 3 bed, 1.5 bath house. So the housework NEVER ends. (never mind the needs of 5 kids, lol) The animals can't be turned out, so we have to hand exercise them regularly. Luke has a stall but we've given up on building the donkey stall till spring- it is SO COLD. Frequently hits -20 and -teens (in a roller coaster of course, because it fluctuates up to the +20s regularly, and rains at least once every 2 weeks, so the entire yard turns into an ice field). We've had to start feeding lunch to make sure our old timers stay warm enough! And my 24yo gelding was shivering so he got himself a set of comfy blankets to keep him warm. We're keeping a close eye on the donkeys, and so far they're ok. It's crazy! The basement in the barn does stay warmer than outside (most of the time, not when it goes from -20 to +20). All that to say... I haven't ghosted. I just don't sit at the PC. 😆 I thought winter was supposed to be the quiet time on the farm! LMAO.

Lunging in the meadow in the fresh, deep snow.

.Halfway through cleaning, but the barn with many haynets to keep them warm and busy. And a walk with baby and momma donk. Thank goodness he won't leave her so he can be loose. The snow was up to his belly. He's not a fan.

Daddy donk looovvvves the kids. He's the most unjack like Jack I've ever seen. He's still getting snipped next month though, lol. Here he is with my 2yo dragging him around by the strap on his halter.

Momma donk LOVES her face scritches more than food...which is really saying something.

Luke hates when we take the donkeys for a walk without him. He spies on us and calls them.

Luke's stall got done! Complete with ridiculous wall. But he approves.

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Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Yes y’all HAVE been busy! Luke’s stall looks great! Chores take longer in bad weather and y’all are certainly having your share! That’s a lot of people in one house, but it will soon ease up. Thanks for updating us!


Herd Master
May 9, 2017
Reaction score
Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
It's been absolutely insane the last two months. I've barely had 5 minutes to sit down on any given day. I don't even know what is keeping us so busy, lol. Part of it is my sister and her family have moved in with us while we work on evicting the tenants in our apartments so they can move in. So there's 9 people in the 3 bed, 1.5 bath house. So the housework NEVER ends. (never mind the needs of 5 kids, lol) The animals can't be turned out, so we have to hand exercise them regularly. Luke has a stall but we've given up on building the donkey stall till spring- it is SO COLD. Frequently hits -20 and -teens (in a roller coaster of course, because it fluctuates up to the +20s regularly, and rains at least once every 2 weeks, so the entire yard turns into an ice field). We've had to start feeding lunch to make sure our old timers stay warm enough! And my 24yo gelding was shivering so he got himself a set of comfy blankets to keep him warm. We're keeping a close eye on the donkeys, and so far they're ok. It's crazy! The basement in the barn does stay warmer than outside (most of the time, not when it goes from -20 to +20). All that to say... I haven't ghosted. I just don't sit at the PC. 😆 I thought winter was supposed to be the quiet time on the farm! LMAO.View attachment 89096
Lunging in the meadow in the fresh, deep snow.

View attachment 89097.Halfway through cleaning, but the barn with many haynets to keep them warm and busy. And a walk with baby and momma donk. Thank goodness he won't leave her so he can be loose. The snow was up to his belly. He's not a fan.
View attachment 89098

Daddy donk looovvvves the kids. He's the most unjack like Jack I've ever seen. He's still getting snipped next month though, lol. Here he is with my 2yo dragging him around by the strap on his halter. View attachment 89099

Momma donk LOVES her face scritches more than food...which is really saying something.
View attachment 89100

Luke hates when we take the donkeys for a walk without him. He spies on us and calls them. View attachment 89101
Luke's stall got done! Complete with ridiculous wall. But he approves.View attachment 89103View attachment 89104
View attachment 89102
Wow! Fun update!


Loving the herd life
Sep 17, 2021
Reaction score
Watertown, NY
Oh my gosh, what a busy spring.

My sister is in her apartment. Although her flooring still isn't quite done. 😂 My mom and her hubby are here, living in our spare bedroom because their place still isn't done. Priming is almost done- it took 4 coats thanks to the previous tenants being the worst kind of smokers. But my oldest kiddo's visitation is finally rearranged so I don't have to spend half my week across the state anymore, just run there 1x a week to pick him up or drop him off.

We got 3 stalls done, so FINALLY everyone can live in a stall.

And just for fun, a pic of Luke after I did his feet this week. Note how thoroughly he needs to be tied :lol:

And I got meat rabbits!! I need to build the doe's colony stall, and then pick up a buck (I have one sourced, just need to finish my infastructure) They aren't the best type-wise, but it's a starting point and even smaller-than-ideal rabbits will feed my family next spring. We plan to keep the does in their colony, the buck in an oversized cage, and tractor the babies. I know we'll have high fatalities as we work on breeding for hardiness, but I can live with that. Using the resources we have on hand is important to me.


Nancy is the smaller of the does but has much better type. She also has a great, bold personality. I like her more than I should, lol.

Sarah Jane is big, MUCH bigger than her sister, but she has hugely long shoulders. She's also more timid. I'm hoping my buck can help counteract some of that shoulder and get a good carcass out of the kits. But time will tell. Worst case I make do for a while, until I can find better does. There isn't much nearby unfortunately.

The horse fence is done and they are LOVING it. They needed to be out SO badly.


This is the official rolling area, lol. They all roll here daily. Luke rolls easily 6-10 times day. He loves this sandy wallow.

Next up on the list, clearing 5-10 acres for a real garden and real pastures. Building rabbit tractors and chicken tractors for next spring. Digging up and seeding the rabbit/chicken garden near the barn so we can grow our own food. Reseeding the lawn/grass areas with a good mix of forage for the animal tractors. And maybe, someday, actually unpacking and organizing the house (we finally finish emptying the old place this weekend, but can't really unpack till i finish my mom's place and have that bedroom back for putting away homeschool supplies and what not).

I might be crazy but i'm starting to wonder if it'd be cheaper to keep sheep for the lawn as some people suggested rather than running this lawn mower. Gas is waaaaayyyy too darn expensive.

My 2 year old is the only one of the kids really getting into the farm life so far, but he is REALLY into it- he had to have his own wheel barrel and fork, and cleans a whole stall by himself. And has to empty his wheelbarrel every day. He LOVES the barn. So sweet. I am so going to train a donkey to be his little leadline ride.


Herd Master
May 9, 2017
Reaction score
Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
For keeping the grass mowed
.. see if you can buy 12 or so gosslings... ones big enough to be at least half feathered... and buy a roll of electric movable poultry net... (or enough net to net the entire lawn).

The geese are great grass mowers... you need to set them out before the grass is tall and overgrown... but they do a good job of keeping grass mowed.

Then in the fall, as soon as the grass stops growing... butcher them all. That way, no over winter feed costs. Feed costs in the summer will be minimal. Cost of the fence is stretched out over many years.

AND before I forget, great update!!!! Good looking stalls, pasture, and everything! :clap


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Grass fed goose sounds yummy!

Y’all have made HUGE progress! Congratulations on all the hard work, it’s looking fantastic! Thanks for the update, don’t stay away so long! Love the pint size farmer, how adorable.