Herd Master
HOLY MOLY!!! That's a blankety blanket of snow. YIKES.
So sorry about your fence - that hurts.
Out here I have 2x4 woven no-climb. Pulled super tight using a bobcat, top and bottom wires and metal bars as well, extra fence posts metal tube 3 in? set in concrete and cross braced, the rest are T-posts. Though we don't get snow ever - I see it only on the mountaintops when it happens (very pretty when framed in palm trees).
So sorry about your fence - that hurts.
Out here I have 2x4 woven no-climb. Pulled super tight using a bobcat, top and bottom wires and metal bars as well, extra fence posts metal tube 3 in? set in concrete and cross braced, the rest are T-posts. Though we don't get snow ever - I see it only on the mountaintops when it happens (very pretty when framed in palm trees).