Thinking of getting rabbits to raise for meat. Any advice?


Ridin' The Range
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
North Carolina Piedmont
I'm just getting into rabbits, too. I bought 2 California bucks, knowing that we only needed one. We know now which one we're keeping, so I think we will be having fried rabbit later this week to see how it goes. They're so cute and fuzzy, I'm having a hard time. But I know from hunting rabbits that it is going to be easier cleaning them than it is my chickens, which I also use for both meat and eggs. I got 2 New Zealand does to breed with my California buck. The NZ are bigger, but the cross should give nice fast growing babies with hybrid vigor. I built my own cages, it wasn't hard. I think your parrot cages will work. I would rather have something bigger so the rabbits have more room for play and exercise, but I am going with what works and what we can afford for now, so I did 2 24x36" cages and 1 36x36 for now. My bunnies are still babies so I won't be breeding them anytime soon. I'll make a bigger grow out cage when the time comes.

AZ Rabbits

Ridin' The Range
Jul 8, 2009
Reaction score
I would recommend any of the standard meat rabbits:
- New Zealand
- Californian
- American Blue or White
- Palominos
- Satins
- Champagne d'Argent

My personal favorite is first the American Blues and next NZW's.

Or you could get into hybrid breeding, but keep in mind it doesn't follow through on 2nd generation, only 1st. Some of these would be:
- Altex buck with NZW doe (or with Cali/NZW mix doe)
- NZW buck with Cali doe (this is the optimal mix, not NZW doe with Cali buck like some think). Although this increase in meat is very minimal, but adds up over a long time.

For numbers, it depends on your herd desires. A bare minimum would be a trio (1 buck and 2 does), but this is risky. But it's also a safe start to learn the rabbit breeding ropes.

A more sustainable herd would start at 2 bucks and 3 to 5 does. With 2 bucks and 5 does, you could constantly be watching for the star breeders and save replacement breeders from their production. You should always be striving to replace your herd with better stock from their litters. So you'll need extra cages for your upcoming stars as well as grow-out cages.

Good luck!