Ridin' The Range
I'm just getting into rabbits, too. I bought 2 California bucks, knowing that we only needed one. We know now which one we're keeping, so I think we will be having fried rabbit later this week to see how it goes. They're so cute and fuzzy, I'm having a hard time. But I know from hunting rabbits that it is going to be easier cleaning them than it is my chickens, which I also use for both meat and eggs. I got 2 New Zealand does to breed with my California buck. The NZ are bigger, but the cross should give nice fast growing babies with hybrid vigor. I built my own cages, it wasn't hard. I think your parrot cages will work. I would rather have something bigger so the rabbits have more room for play and exercise, but I am going with what works and what we can afford for now, so I did 2 24x36" cages and 1 36x36 for now. My bunnies are still babies so I won't be breeding them anytime soon. I'll make a bigger grow out cage when the time comes.