Thistleblooms Rambles


Herd Master
Jun 3, 2018
Reaction score
western Arkansas
That would be perfectly fine! But seriously, think about it. I'll bet that many of the YouTube channel folks didn't start out as video experts, but they learned. You can, too. It would be nice to see Syringa and you riding, or see her romping in her field. Mr @Bruce even made a few videos of his place after I heckled him enough!


Herd Master
Nov 18, 2019
Reaction score
Idaho panhandle 48th parallel
It's a home day for me today. I think if I put in a couple of grueling days I can have Thursdays off. Yay!
I'm meeting a friend for a ride this afternoon. We haven't had a ride together for a long time. Probably since last summer, so we'll have a lot of catching up to do. It will be the first time she's seen Syringa under saddle too, so I hope she will show off her best behavior and not get silly. She's turning into a dependable little mountain pony though, so I'm pretty confident she won't do anything embarrassing, haha.

We have been getting things straightened up around here. We took down all of Syringas corral panels, and the roundpen, and reset them up into a turnout area for her and Huckleberry mule. Syringa now lives in Lukes old corral, next door to Huck, and both of their pens open into the turnout.

Dh is getting the deck of firewood logs lowered. Syringas former shelter is now the wood shed.

Here he is, splitting away, declaring his Fashion Independence. He cut his Carrharts off into shorts (note the uneven leg lengths) the baggy socks and 30 year old shoes. Yep. His shirt says it all. :lol:


I need to mow weeds today, and restack the load of pallets we got from Kid#2's work. I rifled through them "organizing" into similar sizes, then my husband decided to make hay platforms from OSB and treated skids, so now the pallets aren't needed. Anybody need a bunch of pallets?

I also need to clean out all the pallets from the old hay tube and stack them. I have successfully procrastinated that job for a few weeks, but it needs to get done sooner rather than later. There will be mice :sick . Then all the CP's need to be dismantled and stacked.

A neighbor boy ( 11YO) approached me about doing chores, so he's coming Saturday. We'll see how it works out. He's not famous for his work ethic, but maybe he'll put some effort into working for someone besides his parents. I'm going to get him started on the new garden area, picking up big rocks. It's where Luke is buried, and the hole unearthed tons of giant rocks. I don't know if it's weird to make my garden over his grave, but it's a good spot for sun, and I don't think he'd care.

The garden needs attention today too, but it's not my priority. As long as it doesn't interfere with my ride time it may see me today.
Better get out there and get after my chores!


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
He cut his Carrharts off into shorts (note the uneven leg lengths) the baggy socks and 30 year old shoes. Yep. His shirt says it all.
The legs of the pants aren't uneven, he's standing with one hip held high ;) And what is wrong with 30 year old shoes if they are still in good shape? Any holes in those socks? I did toss a bunch of Puma brand socks with no holes, talk about bad "stay up" ability! Now you might want a little input if he's going off the farm :D

then my husband decided to make hay platforms from OSB and treated skids,
I would think that a bad idea. Don't you want/need air flow under the stack rather than sitting on a solid surface?

He's not famous for his work ethic, but maybe he'll put some effort into working for someone besides his parents.
DD2 will work for money. Other people pay her money. Apparently room and board do not count as money.


Herd Master
Nov 18, 2019
Reaction score
Idaho panhandle 48th parallel
I would think that a bad idea. Don't you want/need air flow under the stack rather than sitting on a solid surface?

I know. That was my thought too. However, my neighbor has a solid surface (pallets, but a solid top) under her hay with no issues for years, so I hope it will be okay. Dh made these platforms while I was not attending him 😄 so I didn't get to state my case. Then he had the 17 leftover last years alfalfa bales stacked on them... and some things I'm not going to push.
We have talked about it after the fact, but he thinks they'll be fine. I'll report back next year!
His problem with the pallets, and I agree, is the unequal sizes and heights. It makes stacking awkward at best, and if your foot slips through the slats it's good for a fall. I started out being picky when we picked pallets up from Kid#2's work, but quickly discarded that in favor of expediency. In other words, there were two men waiting for me to pick through and make up my female mind. I sure would hate to lose the bottom row of hay though. But on the bright side I have enough hay ordered to take me well past next years cutting, so while waste would be expensive and um, wasteful, I'm not going to get into a picky debate with something my husband kindly did for me.